Tuesday 6 November 2012

Zend PHP5 Certification pdf free download



Davey Shafik
Ben Ramsey

Published Year: 2006

Publisher: Marco Tabini & Associates, Inc.

ISBN: 0-9738621-4-9

Page: 278 Pages

Size: 3 MB

With PHP breaking new ground in the enterprise arena, the establishment of a ratified certification was, some might say, inevitable. However, it couldn’t comesoon enough—and ecstatic when Zend launched their PHP 4 Certification. With more than 1,500 certified engineers to date, there is no doubt that their endeavour has been a success.
The introduction of the long-awaited PHP 5 certification, Zend has once again raised the bar for PHP developers everywhere. This examination is much broader, and requires much more than just theoretical knowledge—in order to pass the test, candidates need real-world knowledge in addition to a solid theoretical background. The effect of the PHP 5 certification, is even more profound than that of the original certification, and it will become the gold standard for those looking to hire PHP-centric Web Developers.It is apt to consider Zend’s work a job well done, and to applaud those who invest the time and effort needed to become Zend Certified Engineers.
This book help those who are preparing for the Zend exam and student of instructor-led classes who are approaching and studying PHP for the first time.

Mrinmoyie by Humayun Ahmed ebook free download

MRINMOYIE (মৃন্ময়ী)

Writer: Humayun Ahmed

Published Year: n/a

Publisher: Doridro.com

ISBN: n/a

Size: 11 MB

Page: 105 Pages

আমার বাবার নাম মইনু মিয়া। খুবই হাস্যকর নাম।কাঠমিস্ত্রি বা দরজিদের এরকম নাম থাকে।আমার দাদাজান দরজি ছিলেন,এবং তিনি তার মতো করেই ছেলের নাম রেখেছিলেন।তিনি স্বপ্নেও ভাবেননি তার ছেলে গিরায় হিসেব না করে, ন্যানোমিটার, পিকোসেকেন্ডে হিসেব করবে।আমার বাবা মইনুমিয়া ঢাকা ইউনিভার্সিটির ফলিত পদার্থবিদ্যার অধ্যাপক হিসেবে জীবন শুরু করবেন...............................

O'Reilly PHP Cookbook ebook free download


Writer: David Sklar & Adam Trachtenberg

Published Year: November 2002

Publisher: O'reilly

ISBN: 1-56592-681-1

Page: 632 Pages

Size: 2.7 MB

The PHP Cookbook is a collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples for PHP programmers. The book contains a unique and extensive collection of best practices for everyday PHP programming dilemmas. It contains over 250 recipes, ranging from simple tasks to entire programs that demonstrate complex tasks, such as printing HTML tables and generating bar charts -- a treasure trove of useful code for PHP programmers, from novices to advanced practitioners.

Practical PHP and MySQL by Jono Bacon ebook free download


Writer: Jono Bacon

Published Year: 2007

Publisher: Pearson Education, Inc.

ISBN: 0-13-223997-3

Page: 525 Pages

Size: 7 MB

This book starts with a brief introduction to the technology and then gives you a quick primer in core PHP and MySQL skills—just enough to get you started writing an application. After this short primer (because no one likes reading primers), you get straight into writing an application. This way, you don’t have to wade through 200 pages of reading before you can get started writing an application.

PHP Design Patterns ebook free download


Writer: Jason E. Sweat

Published Year: 2005 (1st edition)

Publisher: Marco Tabini & Associates, Inc.

ISBN: 0-9735898-2-5

Page: 337 Pages

Size: 3.33 MB

The term “design pattern” was originally coined in the field of architecture. Christopher Alexander, in his 1977 work, “A Pattern Language: Towns/Building/Construction,” describes common issues of architectural design and explains how new, effective designs can be created through the aggregation of existing,well-known patterns. Alexander’s concepts translate well into software development, where it’s long been desirable to construct solutions from previously existing components.
The goal of this book is not to present a comprehensive catalog of software design patterns or to develop any new design patterns or terminology, but rather to highlight a few of the existing, wellknown design patterns. In particular, the book presents those patterns that I’ve found most useful for development of dynamic web applications and shows reference implementations for these patterns in PHP.

PHP 5 Power Programming pdf ebook free download



Published Year: October 27, 2004

Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR

ISBN: 0-13-147149-X

Page: 720 Page

Size: 8 MB(rar)

In this book, PHP 5's co-creator and two leading PHP developers show you how to make the most of PHP 5's industrial-strength enhancements in any projectno matter how large or complex. Their unique insights and realistic examples illuminate PHP 5's new object model, powerful design patterns, improved XML Web services support, and much more. Whether you're creating web applications, extensions, packages, or shell scriptsor migrating PHP 4 codehere are high-powered solutions you won't find anywhere else.

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 Translation form English

প্রাইমারী স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট (পিএসসি) পরীক্ষার ফল প্রকাশিত হবে ২৮-১২-২০১০ সালের দুপুর ১২ টার পর।

মোবাইল ফোনে ম্যাসেজের মাধ্যমেও ফলাফল জানা যাবে।মোবাইল ফোনে এসএমএস এর মাধ্যমে রেজাল্ট জানতে আপনার মোবাইলের ম্যাসেজ অপশানে গিয়ে টাইপ করুন DPE (space)Upazela Code(space) Roll Number তারপর তা পাঠিয়ে দিন ১৬২২২ নাম্বারে।টাইপ করার সময় অবশ্যই মাঝখানে ফাঁক(space) রাখবেন।