Sunday 31 October 2010

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Thursday 28 October 2010

Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases ebook free download


Editor: Michel Tibayrenc

Published Year: 2007

ISBN: 978-0-471-65732-3

Page: 806 Pages

Size: 17.5 MB (rar)

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Clinical Handbook of Pediatric Infectious Disease pdf Download


Writer: Russell W. Steele

Published Year: 2007

ISBN-10: 1-4200-5150-4
ISBN-13: 978-1-4200-5150-6

Edition: 3rd

Page: 325 Pages

Size: 4.4 MB

Physicians are expected to maintain, at their command, an extensive fund of knowledge. It is, of course, not realistic to commit all important information to memory or even to retain what will be considered essential aspects of diagnosis and treatment. We all, therefore, rely on reference sources for optimal patient care. Our personal libraries not only assure against omissions in medical management but also allow the most efficient method for keeping abreast of new developments in each subspecialty.

A major addition to the literature over the last ten years has been the publication of numerous guidelines for managing both the specific infections and clinical situations that predispose to infectious diseases. These guidelines have been written by experts under the direction of the American Academy of Pediatrics (Red Book: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases), the Infectious Diseases Society of America, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A major change to the third edition of this handbook is inclusion of all current guidelines that pertain to the management of infectious diseases in children. These guidelines, based on evidence-based medicine, are not meant to define standards of care; rather, they offer a framework from which physicians can make final decisions.

In the care of pediatric patients, infectious diseases make up over half of all diagnostic considerations. For this reason, the pediatrician or primary care physician must particularly prepare him or herself with a basic understanding of infectious processes. In many cases, knowledge of the disease must be applied in the clinical setting with minimal delay. These situations may be best handled if the physician has at hand a reliable, concise manual that condenses essential information related to diagnosis and treatment, and that is the primary intent of this handbook. In most cases, it simply offers a rapid check of already planned
management. In other cases, it may give guidance in an area less familiar to the clinician.

Most of the information in this book is presented in tabular or protocol form, which is essential for providing a quick reference in the broad area of pediatric infectious diseases. Where there is some difference of opinion, particularly for modalities of treatment, I have often elected to present just one approach. However, every effort has been made to use published
guidelines and consensus recommendations.

Mayo Clinic Antimicrobial Therapy Quick Guide free download


Writer: John W. Wilson, MD
             Lynn L. Estes, PharmD

Published Year: 2008

ISBN-13: 978-1-4200-8518-1
ISBN-10: 1-4200-8518-2

Page: 346 Pages

Size: 2.7 MB

The medical management of infectious diseases and antimicrobial therapy can be a daunting task for health care professionals. Although expansive textbooks and online resources are available, but more simplified, quick reference guide is needed for the day-to-day office and hospital clinical practice. This book is designed to provide information about infectious diseases and antimicrobial therapy in a format that is readily accessible and easily applicable to the clinical environment.

Highlights of this book include simplified and thorough drug dosing recommendations for renal function and renal replacement therapies, drugs of choice for specific organisms (including bacteria, fungi, and viruses), and simplified antimicrobial and management recommendations for specific infectious syndromes.

This book will assist health care providers in the management of infectious diseases and in the selection of appropriate antimicrobial therapy in a time-efficient manner. This book is not meant to serve as a comprehensive review of all infectious diseases topics. Instead, readers are encouraged to seek supplemental information from additional published resources and from the prescribing information provided by pharmaceutical manufacturers.

Monday 25 October 2010

Information of Noakhali Science and Technology University (NSTU) Graduate Admission and Result


Noakhali Science and Technology University (Bengali: নোয়াখালি বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়) popularly known as NSTU is a newly established public university in the coastal terrain Noakhali of Bangladesh. It is the 27th public university (out of 32) and fifth science and technology university in Bangladesh. Its foundation stone was laid on 11 October 2003 and academic activities started in 2005.

Noakhali Science and Technology University was established with immense hope for maintaining the high quality education. Since its establishment, it is running without any session jam and student politics. This University family is fully determined to gain its ultimate goal of success.



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    Saturday 23 October 2010

    Java for COBOL Programmers free pdf download


    Writer: JOHN C. BYRNE

    Published Year: 2009

    Publisher: Course Technology

    ISBN-13: 978-1-59863-565-5
    ISBN-10: 1-58450-565-6
    eISBN-10: 1-58450-618-0

    Page: 432 Pages

    Edition: 3rd

    Size: 6.5 MB

    It has been more than 10 years since Sun first announced the Java programming language. It is safe to say that few technologies have generated similar excitement, interest, and allegiance. The promise of this new, cross-platform, object-oriented language with its simplified syntax has garnered the support of large numbers of developers, tool vendors, industry experts, and, of course, the occasional consultant.

    To its credit, Java has more than lived up to its potential. Today, Java is used to build all types of products and systems, from enterprise class accounting systems to handheld phones and personal computers and everything in between. While all this excitement is going on, the day-to-day responsibilities of an MIS shop continue. Applications need to be rolled out, existing systems supported, and an occasional enhancement delivered. Many of these systems use legacy tools, such as COBOL, and are fundamental to the operation of the business. The people who support these systems are valuable repositories of business process information, and they know how computer systems are used to meet those business process requirements.

    Scores of organizations have decided to replace these legacy systems, including their core business systems, with more modern ones written in Java. Most could probably use a rewrite in any case, and the allure of using new technology, including a new language, will likely overwhelm more than one VP of MIS. Who better to build these new systems than the people who understand how the business works? Does it make sense to assign these essential projects to the person who is writing his or her first business system?

    Some of Java’s development efficiencies are available in any language, including COBOL. For example, coding styles that make use of subroutines implement important OO design principles. Many large, well-designed COBOL application development environments necessarily define and support good OO design techniques in the form of subroutines, copy members, and coding standards. However, in procedural language environments like COBOL, the compiler or the runtime system does not directly support the OO developer. A case could be made that OO development environments primarily make the compile and runtime tools aware of good, efficient coding techniques that have been in use for some time in traditional languages.

    A natural language is the tool people use to communicate ideas to each other. Languages have a syntax and a vocabulary of terms that provide structure and organization to ideas. If one person adheres to the rules and provides a linguistic shape and organization to his or her ideas, it is possible to communicate with another person.

    Computer languages perform very much the same role. Computer languages define a vocabulary and syntax structure that is suitable for a computer to understand.Programmers learn these rules and convert ideas into code. A programmer’s effectiveness is largely determined by how well he or she can communicate with the
    computer. (Of course, there is the testing, training, documentation, and support parts of the job, but programmers would be better off reading Dr. Spock rather than Dr. Chomsky to gain insights here!) When people learn a new natural language, they often compare the new terms and syntax with what is already familiar to them. Language learning materials often have glossaries or translations of terms. The new syntax is defined, in part, by comparing it to the student’s “native” syntax. In fact, most people who learn a new language think in their native language and mentally translate into the other. Only when they are very comfortable with the new language will they finally think in the new language.

    Instead of describing the Java object concepts and syntax in the abstract, or based on references using C or C++ programming languages, Java for COBOL Programmers,

    Third Edition presents various object-oriented concepts first in a COBOL context, and then in the Java syntax that supports this concept. Then, after you are familiar with the underlying concepts, additional Java language rules are defined.For programmers trying to use Java in a real-world environment, this third edition has been updated to reflect the latest developments in the Java language and programming standards. Advances in the language, such as the new Generics feature, are covered. New alternatives for stream-based input and output processing methods are introduced, along with the latest XML processing options in Java. Also new in this edition is a chapter on the Eclipse graphical integrated development environment. This product is presented using a guided, step-by-step progression.

    You can use the chapter exercises to explore helpful Eclipse features, such as smart editing, debugging, and refactoring. If you’re a COBOL programmer and you’ve written a subroutine—a subroutine that was used by someone else—then you already understand the most important Java object concepts. Sure, the syntax is different and more powerful, but the principle that one person writes code so others can use it without having to understand all of its details is the core principle of many of the OO design objectives. You still Introduction xvii need to understand the user’s needs, and specifications and documentation are still required. You may even be able to adjust end-user requirements based on technical issues, since it is expected that existing components will be reused. In theory, most development projects in an OO environment consist of collecting and shaping end-user requirements and then “assembling” solutions, using as many existing building blocks as possible.

    Once you’ve decided to learn Java, the secret to success is to use the same process as when learning any new thing. Break down the information into manageable pieces, leverage what you already know, pick a good learning environment, and plunge ahead. You already know the hard part (i.e., how to translate business requirements into a computer language). You just need to learn a few new design principles, a new syntax, and some state-of-the-art integrated development environment. This book will help you get started.

    Friday 22 October 2010

    The Java EE 6 Tutorial Basic Concepts free pdf download


    1. Eric Jendrock, 
    2. Ian Evans, 
    3. Devika Gollapudi,
    4. Kim Haase
    5. Chinmayee Srivathsa
    Published Year: 2010

    Publisher: Pearson Education, Inc.

    ISBN-13: 978-013-708185-1
    ISBN-10: 0-137-08185-5

    Size: 7 MB

    Page: 588 Pages

    Developers today increasingly recognize the need for distributed, transactional, and
    portable applications that leverage the speed, security, and reliability of server-side technology. Enterprise applications provide the business logic for an enterprise. They are centrally managed and often interact with other enterprise software. In the world of information technology, enterprise applications must be designed, built, and produced for less money, with greater speed, and with fewer resources.

    With the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE), development of Java enterprise
    applications has never been easier or faster. The aim of the Java EE platform is to provide developers with a powerful set of APIs while shortening development time,
    reducing application complexity, and improving application performance.

    The Java EE platform is developed through the Java Community Process (the JCP), which is responsible for all Java technologies. Expert groups, composed of interested parties, have created Java Specification Requests (JSRs) to define the various Java EE technologies. The work of the Java Community under the JCP program helps to ensure Java technology’s standard of stability and cross-platform compatibility.

    The Java EE platform uses a simplified programming model. XML deployment descriptors are optional. Instead, a developer can simply enter the information as an annotation directly into a Java source file, and the Java EE server will configure the component at deployment and runtime. These annotations are generally used to embed in a program data that would otherwise be furnished in a deployment
    descriptor. With annotations, you put the specification information in your code next to the program element affected.

    In the Java EE platform, dependency injection can be applied to all resources that a
    component needs, effectively hiding the creation and lookup of resources from
    application code. Dependency injection can be used in EJB containers, web containers, and application clients. Dependency injection allows the Java EE container to automatically insert references to other required components or resources, using annotations.

    Microsoft Word for Dummies by Dan Gookin free pdf ebook Download


    Writer: Dan Gookin

    Published Year: 2010

    ISBN: 978-0-470-48772-3

    Chapter: 33

    Page: 412 Pages

    Size: 5.5 MB

    Welcome to Word 2010 For Dummies, which takes the pain from using Microsoft’s latest, greatest, most confusing word processing software ever! This book is your friendly, informative, and entertaining guide to the newfangled way of processing words that is Word 2010.

    Part I: Your Introduction to Word

    This part provides a quick introduction to Word and word processing. You can find information on how to start and quit Word and a simple overview of the typical word processing day.

    Part II: Your Basic Word

    The chapters in this part of the book cover the seven basic tasks of any word processor: move around a document, edit text, search and replace, work with blocks of text, proof documents, save and open, and, finally, publish.(Publishing has replaced printing as the final result of your word processing efforts, though printing is still covered as part of the whole publishing milieu.)

    Part III: Formatting

    This part deals with formatting, from the smallest iota of text to formatting commands that span an entire document and more. Formatting is the art of making your document look less ugly.

    Part IV: Spruce Up a Dull Document

    This part is formatting dessert, or tasks you can do beyond regular formatting to help make your document look like more than a typical, boring document. Part IV covers lines, borders, tables, columns, lists, graphical goodness, and all sorts of stuff that makes Word more than a typical word processor.

    Part V: Even More Word

    This part covers a few dangling details that I consider myself fortunate to write about, such as outlining, collaboration, mail merge, label-making, and other interesting things that Word does.

    Thursday 21 October 2010

    Microsoft Outlook 2010 pdf ebook Download

    MICROSOFT OUTLOOK 2010 inside out


    Writer: Jim Boyce

    Published Year: 2010

    ISBN: 978-0-735-62686-7

    Page: 1111 Pages (Original print)

    Chapter: 43 Chapter

    Size: 18 MB (rar)

    Fifteen years ago, the average computer user spent most of his or her time using productivity applications such as Microsoft® Word or Microsoft Excel®. In the ensuing years, users have become more sophisticated, network implementations have become the rule rather than the exception, and collaboration has become a key facet of a successful business strategy.Perhaps the most significant change of all has been the explosive growth of the Internet. All these factors have led to a subtle but significant shift in the way people work. Today, most users of the 2010 Microsoft Office system spend a majority of their time in Microsoft Outlook® 2010. That change alone signifies a shift toward information management as an increasingly important everyday task. Getting a handle on daily information management can be critical to your productivity, success, and sanity.

    Outlook® 2010 is an extremely versatile program. Most of the other applications in the Microsoft Office system suite have a fairly specific purpose. Outlook 2010, however, serves as personal information manager (PIM), calendar, e-mail application, task manager, and much more. With so much power and flexibility at your fingertips, you need to have a good understanding of the Outlook 2010 features. Understanding the ins and outs will not only help you get the most from this program but will also have a positive impact on your work day.

    Understanding all of the Outlook 2010 features and putting them to work is the focus of Microsoft® Outlook® 2010 Inside Out. Most Outlook 2010 books act mainly as how-to guides for users who want to learn about the software. This approach leaves out workgroup managers and administrators when it comes to deployment, collaboration, server-side issues, and administration. Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 Inside Out offers a comprehensive look at the features most people will use in Outlook 2010 and serves as an excellent reference for users who need to understand how to accomplish what they need to do. In addition, this book goes a step or two further, providing useful information to advanced users and IT professionals who need to understand the bigger picture. Whether you want to learn Outlook 2010 for your own use, need to support Outlook 2010 on a peer-to-peer network, or are in charge of supporting Outlook 2010 under Microsoft Exchange Server, you’ll find the information and answers you need between the covers of Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 Inside Out.

    This book makes some assumptions about the reader. You should be familiar with your client operating system, whether it’s Microsoft Windows® XP, Windows Vista™, or Windows 7. You should be comfortable working with a computer and have a good understanding of how to work with menus, dialog boxes, and other aspects of the user interface. In short, Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 Inside Out assumes that you’re an experienced computer user who might or might not have an understanding of Outlook 2010 and what it can do. The purpose of this book is to give you a comprehensive look at what Outlook 2010 can do, how to put Outlook 2010 to work, and how to manage Outlook 2010 at the user, work group, and server levels.

    Wednesday 20 October 2010

    Microsoft Excel 2010 Bible free pdf Download

    Microsoft Excel 2010 Bible


    Writer: John Walkenbach

    Published Year: 2010

    ISBN: 978-0-470-47487-7

    Page: 1058 Pages(Original Print)

    Chapter: 45

    Size: 8.5 MB (rar)

    The Bible series from Wiley Publishing, Inc. is designed for beginning, intermediate, and advanced users. This book covers all the essential components of Excel and provides clear and practical examples that you can adapt to your own needs.In this book, maintain a good balance between the basics that every Excel user needs to know and the more complex topics that will appeal to power users.

    Part I: Getting Started with Excel: This part consists of nine chapters that provide background about Excel. These chapters are considered required reading for Excel newcomers, but even experienced users will probably find some new information here.

    Part II: Working with Formulas and Functions: The chapters in Part II cover everything that you need to know to become proficient with performing calculations in Excel.

    Part III: Creating Charts and Graphics: The chapters in Part III describe how to create effective charts. In addition, you’ll find a chapter on the conditional formatting visualization features, and a chapter on the new Sparkline graphics.

    Part IV: Using Advanced Excel Features: This part consists of ten chapters that deal with topics that are sometimes considered advanced. However, many beginning and intermediate users may find this information useful as well.

    Part V: Analyzing Data with Excel: Data analysis is the focus of the chapters in Part IV. Users of all levels will find some of these chapters of interest.

    Part VI: Programming Excel with VBA: Part VI is for those who want to customize Excel for their own use or who are designing workbooks or add-ins that are to be used by others. It starts with an introduction to recording macros and VBA programming and then provides coverage of UserForms, add-ins, and events.

    Concept of God in Major Religions By Zakir Naik pdf


    Writer: Dr. Zakir Abdul Karim Naik

    Page: 29 Pages

    Jakir Naik pdf ebook download

    Zakir Abdul Karim Naik (born 18 October 1965) is the founder and president of the Islamic Research Foundation (IRF), which is a non-profit organization that owns Peace TV channel based in Mumbai, India. A prominent Muslim figure in the Muslim world, Zakir Naik is also a public speaker, apologist, and a writer on the subject of Islam and other comparative religion.

    Naik originally began his career as a medical doctor, having attained a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) from the University of Mumbai.After being inspired by Ahmed Deedat, Naik began part-time and later switching to a full-time career by giving Islamic speeches to the public.

    Tuesday 19 October 2010

    Joomla 1.5 Template Design by Tessa Blakeley Silver free Joomla! pdf ebook Download


    Writer: Tessa Blakeley Silver

    Published Year: 2009

    ISBN: 978-1-84719-716-0

    Page: 283 Pages

    Size: 7.4 MB (rar)

    Chapter: Nine


    Chapter 1 introduces you to the Joomla! CMS by making sure you know what you'll need to be aware of about the Joomla! 1.5 template project that you're ready to embark on. The chapter also covers the development tools that are recommended and the web skills you'll need to begin developing a Joomla! 1.5 template.

    Chapter 2 takes a look at the essential elements you need to consider when planning your Joomla! template design. It discusses the best tools and processes for making your template design a reality. I explain my own rapid design comping technique and give you some tips and tricks for developing color schemes and graphic styles for your Joomla! template. By the end of the chapter, you'll have a working XHTML-and CSS-based "comp" (or mockup) of your template design, ready to be coded up and assembled into a fully-functional Joomla! template.

    You say you're not that creative? The upside of this process means that you don't have to design your own XHTML/CSS mockup to move on to Chapter 3. You can use any basic, static XHTML/CSS design (though you'll need to understand the XHTML and CSS used in it) and convert it into a Joomla! template using the methods explained in Chapter 3.

    Chapter 3 uses our final XHTML and CSS mockup from Chapter 2 and shows you how to add Joomla's 1.5 jdoc tags to it. Along the way, this chapter covers the essentials of what makes a Joomla! template work. At the end of the chapter, you'll have a working Joomla! template.

    Chapter 4 discusses the basic techniques of debugging and validation that you
    should be employing throughout your template's development. It covers the W3C's XHTML and CSS validation services and how to use the Firefox browser and some of its extensions as a development tool, not just another browser. This chapter also covers troubleshooting some of the most common reasons "good code goes bad", especially in IE 6 and IE7, and best practices for fixing those problems, giving you a great-looking template across all browsers and platforms. We'll also take a look at some SEO enhancements you can make to your site.

    Chapter 5 discusses how to properly set up your Joomla! template's templateDetails.xml file and package up your files using the ZIP file format, so that they install into Joomla! correctly. It also discusses running some test installations of your template's package in the Joomla's Administration panel so you can share your Joomla! template with the world.

    Chapter 6 covers key information about easy-to-look-up headers that will help you with your Joomla! template development—from the many CSS id and class styles that Joomla! itself outputs, to Joomla's jdoc tags and their controlling attributes. It also covers key 1.0 to 1.5 update information for those of you trying to update a Joomla!1.0 template to a native 1.5 template. The information in this chapter is listed along with key links to bookmark, to make your template development as easy as possible.

    Chapter 7 dives into taking your working, debugged, validated, and properly-packaged Joomla! template from Chapters 3, 4, and 5, and starting to enhance it with a dynamic layout that has collapsible columns, using Joomla's PHP code. We'll then spruce up our main menu using the Suckerfish CSS-based method and Adobe Flash media.

    Chapter 8 continues showing you how to enhance your Joomla! template, by taking a look at the most popular methods for leveraging AJAX techniques in Joomla! using extensions. I'll also give you a complete background on AJAX and when it's best to use those techniques or skip them. The chapter also reviews some cool JavaScript toolkits, libraries, and scripts that you can use to simply make your Joomla! template appear "Ajaxy".

    Chapter 9 covers how to enhance your template by adding a params.ini file, so that your template's users have more dynamic control over your template's configuration right from the Administration panel. For you PHP gurus out there, we'll also cover the basics you need to know to get started with creating your own "module chrome" and "template override" files. We'll also review the main tips from the previous chapters and cover some key tips for easily implementing today's coolest CSS2 and CSS3 tricks into your template. Finally, we'll go over a few final PHP tips to help you enhance your template's usability, so that it can handle right-to-left languages.

    Monday 18 October 2010

    Microsoft C# Programming ebook free Download


    Writer: Andy Harris

    Published Year: 2002

    Publisher: Premier Press

    ISBN: 1931841160

    Page: 394 Pages

    Size: 14.6 MB(rar)

    C# (pronounced "see sharp") is a multi-paradigm programming language encompassing imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. It was developed by Microsoft within the .NET initiative and later approved as a standard by Ecma (ECMA-334) and ISO (ISO/IEC 23270). C# is one of the programming languages designed for the Common Language Infrastructure.

    C# is intended to be a simple, modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language.Its development team is led by Anders Hejlsberg. The most recent version is C# 4.0, which was released on April 12, 2010.

    Using game creation as a teaching tool, this book not only teaches C#, it also teaches the fundamental programming concepts you need to grasp in order to learn any computer language. You will be able to take the skills learned in this book and then apply them to your own situation. Microsoft C# Programming for the Absolute Beginner is a unique book aimed at the novice programmer. Developed by computer science instructors, this series is the ideal tool for anyone with little to no programming experience.

    How to think like a Computer Scientist Java Programming free Download


    Writer: Allen B. Downey

    Published Year: 2008

    Publisher: Allen B. Downey

    Version: 4.1

    Page: 298 Pages

    Chapter: 20

    Size: 1.3 MB

    Java is a programming language originally developed by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems (which is now a subsidiary of Oracle Corporation) and released in 1995 as a core component of Sun Microsystems' Java platform. The language derives much of its syntax from C and C++ but has a simpler object model and fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are typically compiled to bytecode (class file) that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) regardless of computer architecture. Java is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, object-oriented language that is specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere". Java is currently one of the most popular programming languages in use, and is widely used from application software to web applications.

    Twilight Book 1 By Stephenie Meyer best selling pdf ebook download


    Writer: Stephenie Meyer

    Published Year: October 5 , 2005.

    Publisher: Little, Brown

    ISBN: 0-316-16017-2

    Page: 237 Pages

    Size: 0.5 MB

    Twilight is a young-adult vampire-romance novel by author Stephenie Meyer. Twilight was initially rejected by 14 agents,but became an instant bestseller when published originally in hardback in 2005, debuting at #5 on the New York Times Best Seller list within a month of its release and later peaking at #1. That same year, Twilight was named one of Publishers Weekly's Best Children's Books of 2005. The novel was also the biggest selling book of 2008 and, to date, has sold 17 million copies worldwide, spent over 91 weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list, and been translated into 37 different languages.

    It is the first book of the Twilight series, and introduces seventeen-year-old Isabella "Bella" Swan, who moves from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington and finds her life in danger when she falls in love with a vampire, Edward Cullen. The novel is followed by New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn. A film adaptation of Twilight was released in 2008. It was a commercial success, grossing more than $382 million worldwide and an additional $157 million from North American DVD sales, as of July 2009.

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    Hacking Vim by Kim Schulz free pdf Vim editor ebook Download


    Writer: Kim Schulz

    Publisher: Packt Publishing

    Published Year: 2007

    ISBN: 978-1-847190-93-2

    Page: 224 Pages(color print)

    Size: 5 MB

    Back in the early days of the computer revolution, system resources were limited and developers had to figure out new ways to optimize their applications. This was also the case with the text editors of that time. One of the most popular editors of that time was an editor called Vim. It was optimized to near-perfection for the limited system resources on which it ran.
    The world has come a long way since then, and even though the system resources have grown, many still stick with the Vim editor.
    At first sight, the Vim editor might not look like much. However, if you look beneath the simple user-interface, you will discover why this editor is still the favorite editor for so many people, even today!
    This editor has nearly every feature you would ever want, and if it's not in the editor, it is possible to add it by creating plugins and scripts. This high level of flexibility makes it ideal for many purposes, and it is also why Vim is still one of the most advanced editors.
    New users join the Vim user community every day and want to use this editor in their daily work, and even though Vim sometimes can be complex to use, they still favor it above other editors. This is a book for these Vim users.
    With this book, Vim users can make their daily work in the editor more comfortable and thereby optimize their productivity. In this way they will not only have an optimized editor, but also an optimized work-flow. The book will help them move from just using Vim as a simple text editor to a situation where they feel at home and can use it for many of their daily tasks.

    Intro to HTML free pdf ebook Download


    Writer: n/a

    Published Year: 1999

    Publisher: Xtra Net

    Edition: First Edition(color Print)

    Page: 178 Pages

    Size: 1.2 MB

    Chapter: 16

    HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for web pages. It is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of "tags" surrounded by angle brackets within the web page content. It is the building blocks of all basic websites.

    It allows images and objects to be embedded and can be used to create interactive forms. It provides a means to create structured documents by denoting structural semantics for text such as headings, paragraphs, lists, links, quotes and other items. It can embed scripts in languages such as JavaScript which affect the behavior of HTML webpages.

    HTML can also be used to include Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define the appearance and layout of text and other material. The W3C, maintainer of both HTML and CSS standards, encourages the use of CSS over explicit presentational markup.

    This book Helps you to learn HTML Form Begin. 

    Hacking Matter by Wil Mccarthy free pdf Hacking ebook Download


    Writer: Wil Mccarthy

    Published Year: 2006

    Publisher: Wil Mccarthy

    ISBN: 0-465-04428-X
    ISBN: 0-465-04429-8

    Page: 212 Pages

    Size: 2.26 MB

    CSS Web Design for Dummies free ebook Download


    Writer: Richard Mansfield

    Published Year: 2005

    ISBN: 978-0-7645-8425-1

    Page: 384 Pages

    Size: 12.5 MB

    Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a Web markup standard that allows Web designers to define the appearance and position of a Web page using special dynamic effects.This book is the perfect beginner reference, showing those new to CSS how to design Web pages and implement numerous useful CSS effects available.Seasoned For Dummies author Richard Mansfield explains how CSS can streamline and speed up Web development. Explains how to take control of the many elements in a Web page, integrate CSS into new or existing sites, choose the best coding techniques, and execute advanced visual effects such as transitions.U Features a special discussion on browser incompatibility issues involving CSS and how to solve potential problems