Monday 28 February 2011

Java Precisely Peter Sestoft free pdf download


Writer: Peter Sestoft

Published Year: 2002

Publisher: The MIT Press

ISBN: 0-262-69276-7

Page: 119 Pages

Size: 1 MB (modified)

This book gives a concise description of the Java 2 programming language, versions 1.3 and 1.4. It is a quick reference for the reader who has already learned (or is learning) Java from a standard textbook and who wants to know the language in more detail. The book presents the entire Java programming language and essential parts of the class libraries: the collection classes and the input-output classes. General rules are shown on left-hand pages mostly, and corresponding examples are shown on righthand pages only. All examples are fragments of legal Java programs.

Beginning Hibernate Minter and Linwood pdf download

Beginning Hibernate From Novice to Professional

Writer: Dave Minter and Jeff Linwood

Published Year: 2006

Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.

ISBN-13 : 978-1-59059-693-7

ISBN-10 : 1-59059-693-5

Page: 359 Pages

Size: 2.6 MB

Hibernate is an amazing piece of software. With a little experience and the power of Java 5 annotations, you can build a complex database-backed system with disturbing ease. Once you have built a system using Hibernate, you will never want to go back to the traditional approaches. While Hibernate is incredibly powerful, it presents a steep learning curve when you first encounter it—steep learning curves are actually a good thing, as they impart profound insightonce you have scaled them. Yet gaining that insight takes some perseverance and assistance.This book is to help you up that learning curve by presenting you with the minimal requirements of a discrete Hibernate application, explaining the basis of those requirements, and walking you through an example application built according to them..

Sunday 27 February 2011

Send Free Massage SMS Unlimited Worldwide

Have you tired to find a free unlimited sms sending site? You can try this site. The site is powered by can send sms any where to any mobile via this site.The awesome things is that you dont have to wait for receive massage.When you enter the site you see two boxes.First one for mobile number and second one for the text.You must keep you massage at 160 characters.There is another great things that receiver don't see the massage sender number or any onther details.You can send sms as much as you can from one computer.So why wait? Enjoy unlimited massaging.

Check Here Another Link: Click Here

Saturday 26 February 2011

ICC World Cup Cricket theme Song Mar Guriye free download

ICC WorldCup Cricket 2011 Bengla theme song mar guriye free download here.

ICC World Cup Cricket Theme song Mar Ghuriye Video Download And Watch

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Watch Live Online cricket on Internet

Hei friends How are you.World cup 2011 is running.Here i found some link where you can watch live online Cricket.Check these link and choose suitable site for your Internet speed.Low-speed internet user also watch live cricket via these site.

Using Facebook Appliction to see Live online cricket:  

World Cup Cricket 2011 Theme Song free download

Bangla Mar guriye and Hindi De Ghumake Official 2011 cricket theme Song Download

The ICC 2011 World Cup Cricket started from 19th february. ICC released World Cup Theme song recently.

The Hindi version was created by Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy.They are an amaging trio.

 Bangla Version Download

 Hindi Version Download

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Adobe Dreamwaver CS5 full version free download

Adobe Dreamweaver software is the ideal tool for web designers, coders, and application developers of all levels. Enhanced coding functions make it a breeze to navigate through complex site pages at design time.

Adobe Dreamweaver features improved layout tools that bring expedited workflows, from comp conception to client approval. Furthermore, innovations throughout the Dreamweaver beta can also help teams and individual developers alike reach the next level in functionality and performance.

Using Keygan And Patch to Genuin Dreamwaver

:::Adobe CS5 Crack Instructions:::

1. Install trial version of Adobe Dreamweaver CD5.
2. Start Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 in trial mode.
3. Close Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.
4. Copy the kegen.exe file into the "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5" folder.
5. Right-click on the keygen.exe and choose "Run as Administrator".
6. Click "Patch".
7. Dialog is displayed that says patch applied successfully.If it says Patsh couldn't found then dont worry.
8. Click the "Generate" button to make a code.
9. Open Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 and enter the key into the product.
10. Enjoy. :)

Monday 21 February 2011

Signals and Sytems by Simon Haykin free download

Signals and Systems

Writer: Simon Haykin & Barry Van Veen.

Published Year: 2003

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

ISBN: 471-16474-7
ISBN: 0471-37851-8

Edition : 2nd

Size: 16 MB (rar)

Page: 694 Pages

Given the introductory nature of the signals and systems course and deversity of application for the topic,the text book must be easy to read,accurate and contain an abundance of insightful examples,problems and computer experiments to expedite learning the fundamentals of signals and systems in an effective manner.This book has been written each all of these objective in mind.

Link 1
Link 2

Link 3


Solutions Of Signal & Systems

Saturday 12 February 2011

Principles of Communication Systems free pdf download



Herbert Taub
Donald L. Schilling

Published Year: 1986

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies

ISBN-10: 0070629552
ISBN-13: 978-0070629554

Page: 119 Pages (modified)

Size: 8 MB(rar)

This book is an excellent text book for undergraduate engineering in principles of communication systems. This book is for engineers so it assumes the reader has a good mathematics background. It covers digital communication systems that is prevalent in the communication industry.

Friday 11 February 2011

CISCO Certified Network Administrator CCNA Lab Manual Download


Writer: Matthew J. Basham

Published Year: 2007

Publisher: Lulu Press

ISBN:  n/a

Page: 720 Pages

Size: 7.5 MB

This manual was developed to prepare students for hands-on training to accompany classroom lectures on CISCO networking theory for the CISCO CCNA examination. These labs are intended to supplement and enhance the Cisco Networking Academy Program with additional information, explanations, and laboratory materials, not to replace them. Think of this like a “cliff’s notes” to accompany the curriculum. If you are looking for a lot of theory, then you have got the wrong book.

This book uses a bunch of educational theory and the book should be used from the start to the finish. For example, in early labs ip addresses and related information is given. The later labs assume you have a good grasp of addressing and can choose your own. Yeah, I know it can stink but understanding subnetting is a critical part of an entry level technician in networking and the “standard” Cisco curriculum does not address this very well. Also I put an emphasis on troubleshooting and critical thinking to a much deeper extent than the official curriculum.

Mirror Link

IP Addressing and Subnetting Workbook Free Download


Writer: Robb Jones (producer)

Published Year: 2008

Publisher: Frederick County Career & Technology Center

ISBN: n/a


Size: 200 KB

Cisco Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CSCO, SEHK: 4333) is an American-based multinational corporation that designs and sells consumer electronics, networking, voice, and communications technology and services. Headquartered in San Jose, California, Cisco has more than 65,000 employees and annual revenue of US$40.0 billion as of 2010. The stock was added to the Dow Jones Industrial Average on June 8, 2009, and is also included in the S&P 500 Index the Russell 1000 Index, NASDAQ100 Index and the Russell 1000 Growth Stock Index.Cisco is one of the world's biggest technology corporations.

This pdf gives you basic information needed to configure your router for routing IP, such as how addresses are broken down and how subnetting works. You learn how to assign each interface on the router an IP address with a unique subnet. There are many examples to help tie everything together.

Prototype 1.5 The Complete API Reference free download


Writer: Sam Stephenson and the Prototype Team

Published Year: 2007 (1st Edition)

Publisher: Sam Stephenson.

ISBN: n/a

Page: 166 Pages

Size: 1 MB

Prototype1 is a JavaScript framework that aims to ease development of dynamic web applications. Prototype was created by Sam Stephenson who released the framework as an open-source project in February 2005. Other members of the core development team are: Thomas Fuchs, Justin Palmer, Andrew Dupont, Dan Webb, Scott Raymond, Seth Dillingham, Mislav Marohni#, Christophe Porteneuve and Tobie Langel.

This PDF book version of the Prototype API reference was created by Josh Clark2, but all content comes from the Prototype site and is the intellectual property of Sam Stephenson and the Prototype core team.

Tuesday 8 February 2011

Himur Ache Jol by Humayun Ahmed free download

HIMUR ACHE JOL (হিমুর আছে জল)

Writer: Humayun Ahmed (হুমায়ুন আহমেদ)

Published Year: 2011

Publisher: Onnodin (অন্যদিন)

ISBN: n/a

Page: 24 Pages(Modified)

Size: 7.4 MB

কানের কাছে কেউ একজন বলছে হিমু, চোখ মেল।আমি চোখ মেলতে পারছি না। চোখের পাতা সীসার মত ভারী।ভারী প্রসঙ্গে চোখের পাতাকে সীসার সাথে তুলনা করা হয় কেন? অনেক ধাতু আছে সীসার চেয়ে ভারী ,যেমন লোহা।আমরা কখনো বলি না, চোখের পাতা লোহার মত ভারী। লেখকরা এক একটা জিনিস চালু করেন আর সেটা চালু হয়ে যায়..........................................।

JavaScript Bible 5th Edition free download



Danny Goodman
Michael Morrison

Published Year: 2004 (5th Edition)

Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc.

ISBN: 0-7645-5743-2

Page: 1743 Pages

Size: 6.83 MB (zip)

Content that you use to learn the fundamentals of JavaScript and reference frequently are at your fingertips in the printed version, while chapters with advanced content are in the searchable electronic version on the CD-ROM. Here are some details about the book’s structure.

Part I

Part I of the book begins with a chapter that shows how JavaScript compares with Java and discusses its role within the rest of the World Wide Web. The Web browser and scripting world have undergone significant changes since JavaScript first arrived on the scene. That’s why Chapter 2 is devoted to addressing challenges facing scripters who must develop applications for both single- and cross-platform browser audiences amid rapidly changing standards efforts. Chapter 3 provides the first foray into JavaScript, where you get to write your first practical script.

Part II

All of Part II is handed over to a tutorial for newcomers to JavaScript. Nine lessons provide you with a gradual path through browser internals, basic programming skills, and genuine browser scripting with an emphasis on industry standards as supported by most of the scriptable browsers in use today. Exercises follow at the end of each lesson to help reinforce what you just learned and challenge you to use your new knowledge (you’ll find answers to the exercises in Appendix C). The goal of the tutorial is to equip you with sufficient experience to start scripting simple pages right away while making it easier for you to understand the in-depth discussions and examples in the rest of the book. By the end of the final lesson, you’ll know how to create the mouse-rollover image swapping effect that is popular in a lot of Web pages these days, and modify the content of a Web page dynamically.

Part III

Part III, the largest section of the book, provides in-depth coverage of the document object models as implemented in today’s browsers. In all reference chapters, a compatibility chart indicates the browser version that supports each object and object feature. One chapter in particular, Chapter 15, contains reference material that is shared by most of the remaining chapters of Part III. To help you refer back to Chapter 15 from other chapters, a dark tab along the outside edge of the page shows you at a glance where the chapter is located. Additional navigation aids include guide words near the tops of most pages to indicate which object and object feature is covered on the page.

Part IV

Reference information for the core JavaScript language fills Part IV. As with reference chapters of Part III, the JavaScript chapters display browser compatibility charts for every JavaScript language term. Guide words near the tops of pages help you find a particular term quickly.

Sunday 6 February 2011

Schaums Oulines Statistics free Download





Published Year: 2008 (4'th Edition)

Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

ISBN: 0-07-159446-9

Page: 601 Pages

Size: 4.22 MB

Statistics, or statistical methods as it is sometimes called, is playing an increasingly important role in nearly all phases of human endeavor. Formerly dealing only with affairs of the state, thus accounting for its name, the influence of statistics has now spread to agriculture, biology, business, chemistry, communications, economics, education, electronics, medicine, physics, political science, psychology, sociology and numerous other fields of science and engineering.

The purpose of this book is to present an introduction to the general statistical principles which will be found useful to all individuals regardless of their fields of specialization. It has been designed for use either as a supplement to all current standard texts or as a textbook for a formal course in statistics. It should also be of considerable value as a book of reference for those presently engaged in applications of statistics to their own special problems of research.

Each chapter begins with clear statements of pertinent definitions, theorems and principles together with illustrative and other descriptive material. This is followed by graded sets of solved and supplementary problems which in many instances use data drawn from actual statistical situations. The solved problems serve to illustrate and amplify the theory, bring into sharp focus those fine points without which the students continually feel themselves to be on unsafe ground, and provide the repetition of basic principles so vital to effective teaching. Numerous derivations of formulas are included among the solved problems. The large number of supplementary problems with answers serve as a complete review of the material of each chapter.

Thursday 3 February 2011

MySQL 5 Certification Study Guide free Download



Paul DuBois
Stefan Hinz
Carsten Pedersen

Published Year:  2005

Publisher: Sams Publication

ISBN: 0-672-32812-7

Page: 672 Pages

Size: 2 MB (.chm)

MySQL Certification Study Guide is the official guide to studying for and passing the two MySQL certification tests for MySQL 5. Written by Paul DuBois, the leading author of books on MySQL topics, and reviewed by MySQL AB, this book is the fastest, most reliable way for MySQL users, developers, and administrators to prepare for either of the two MySQL tests. You will cover:

  • Client/Server Concepts and SQL Server Modes
  • Connectors, Column Types, Identifiers, Databases and Tables
  • Importing and Exporting Data
  • Starting, Stopping, Configuring MySQL
  • Upgrading MySQL
  • Interpreting Error Messages
Much More!