Wednesday 30 June 2010

HTML XHTML & CSS for Dummies free download


Writer :  Ed Tittel
     Jeff Noble

Published Year : 2008

ISBN: 978-0-470-23847-9

Part : 6  Chapter : 23

Part I: Getting to Know (X)HTML and CSS

Chapter 1: The Least You Need to Know about HTML, CSS, and the Web

Chapter 2: Creating and Viewing a Web Page

Chapter 3: Proper Planning Prevents Poor Page Performance

Part II: Formatting Web Pages with (X)HTML

Chapter 4: Creating (X)HTML Document Structure

Chapter 5: Text and Lists

Chapter 6: Linking to Online Resources

Chapter 7: Finding and Using Images

Part III: Taking Precise Control Over Web Pages and Styles

Chapter 8: Introducing Cascading Style Sheets

Chapter 9: Using Cascading Style Sheets

Chapter 10: Getting Creative with Colors and Fonts

Chapter 11: Using Tables to Jazz Up Your Pages

Part IV: Integrating Scripts with (X)HTML

Chapter 12: Scripting Web Pages

Chapter 13: The Nuts and Bolts of JavaScript .

Chapter 14: Working with Forms

Chapter 15: Fun with Client-Side Scripts.

Part V: (X)HTML Projects

Chapter 16: The About Me Page

Chapter 17: The eBay Auction Page

Chapter 18: A Company Site

Chapter 19: A Product Catalog

Part VI: The Part of Tens

Chapter 20: Ten HTML Dos and Don’ts

Chapter 21: Ten Ways to Exterminate Web Bugs

Chapter 22: Ten Cool HTML Tools and Technologies

Chapter 23: Ten Tip-Top Online HTML References

Size : 9 MB

Sunday 27 June 2010

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Biggani Onik Lumba by Jafar Iqbal free pdf ebook download

বিজ্ঞানী অনিক লুম্বা

লেখকঃ ডঃ মুহাম্মদ জাফর ইকবাল

প্রথম প্রকাশঃ ২০০৫ সাল

প্রকাশনীঃ অনুপম প্রকাশনী

ISBN : 984-404-261-5

সাইজঃ ১০ মেগাবাইট

Monday 21 June 2010

The Last Don by Mario Puzo free pdf ebook download


Writer : Mario Puzo

Published Year : 1996

Publisher : Random House

ISBN : 0-679-40143-1

Size : 1 MB

Digital Fortress by Dan Brown free ebook download


Writer : Dan Brown

Published Year : 1998

Publisher : St.Martin’s Press

ISBN : 0-312-20715-8

Chapter : 128

Size : 2 MB

Summary Of the Story

When the United States National Security Agency's code-breaking machine (TRANSLTR) encounters a new and complex code—Digital Fortress—that it cannot break, Commander Trevor Strathmore calls in Susan Fletcher, their head cryptographer to crack it. She discovers that it was written by Ensei Tankado, a former NSA employee who became displeased with the NSA's intrusion into people's private lives. Tankado intends to auction the code's algorithm on his website and have his partner, "NDAKOTA", release it for free if he dies. Essentially holding the NSA hostage, the agency is determined to stop Digital Fortress from becoming a threat to national security.

When Tankado does indeed die in Seville, Spain, of what appears to be a heart attack, Strathmore asks David Becker (Susan's fiancee) to travel to Seville and recover a ring that Tankado was wearing when he died. The ring is suspected to have the code that unlocks Digital Fortress. However, Becker soon discovers that Tankado gave the ring away immediately before his death. Each person he questions in the search for the ring is murdered by Hulohot, a mysterious assassin.

Meanwhile, telephone calls between "North Dakota" and Numataka (chairman of a large computer company in Tokyo, Japan) reveal that North Dakota hired Hulohot to kill Tankado in order to gain access to the passcode on his ring and speed up the release of the algorithm. At the NSA, Fletcher's investigation leads her to believe that Greg Hale, a fellow NSA employee, is North Dakota. Phil Chartrukian, an NSA technician who is unaware of the Digital Fortress code breaking failure and believes Digital Fortress to be a virus, conducts his own investigation into whether Strathmore allowed Digital Fortress to bypass Gauntlet (NSA's virus/worm filter). However, Chartrukian is murdered in the sub-levels of TRANSLTR by an unknown assailant. Since Hale and Strathmore were both in the sub-levels, Fletcher assumes that Hale is the killer; however, Hale claims that he witnessed Strathmore killing Chartrukian. Chartrukian's death by falling off a balcony also damages TRANSLTR's cooling system.

Hale holds Fletcher and Strathmore hostage to prevent himself from being arrested for the murder. It is then that Hale explains that the e-mail he supposedly "received" from Tankado was actually in his inbox because he was snooping on Strathmore, who was also watching Tankado's e-mail account. After the encounter, Hale's name is cleared when Fletcher discovers through a tracer that North Dakota and Ensei Tankado are actually the same person, as "NDAKOTA" is an anagram of "Tankado". Strathmore's role as the primary antagonist is revealed when Strathmore fatally shoots Hale, and arranges it to appear as a suicide. Susan later discovers through Strathmore's pager that he is the one who hired Hulohot. Becker later kills Hulohot in a violent confrontation.

Chapters told from Strathmore's perspective reveal his motives. By hiring Hulohot to kill Tankado, having Becker recover his ring, and having Hulohot kill him, would help facilitate a romantic relationship with Fletcher, regaining his lost honor, and enable him to unlock Digital Fortress. By making phone calls to Numataka impersonating as "North Dakota", he thought he could partner with Numataka Corporation to make a Digital Fortress chip equipped with his own backdoor Trojan so that the NSA can spy on every computer equipped with these chips. However, Strathmore didn't know that Digital Fortress is actually a computer worm once unlocked, "eating away" at the NSA databank's security and allowing "any third-grader with a modem" to look at government secrets. When TRANSLTR overheats, Strathmore commits suicide by standing next to the machine as it explodes. The worm eventually gets into the database, but soon after Fletcher figures out the password, and is able to terminate the worm before hackers can get any data. The NSA allows Becker to return to the United States, reuniting him with Fletcher. At last it is revealed that Numataka is Ensei Tankado's father. Numataka left Tankado the day he was born since Tankado was a deformed child.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Joomla 1.5: Quick Start Guide free pdf ebook download

Joomla! 1.5: Quick Start Guide


*XAMPP Setup
*Download & Unzip Joomla !
*Joomla! Installation
*Sections, Categories, and Articles
*Web Links
*News Feeds
* Categories
* Contacts
* Web Links
* News feed 
* Search
* Modules
* Syndicate
* Login
* Newsflash
* Breadcrumbs
* Templates
* Father resource

HF Filter Design and Computer Simulation free download


Writer : Randall W. Rhea

Published Year : 1994

Publisher : Noble Publishing Corporation,USA

ISBN : l-884932-25-8


Chapter 1 - Introduction

Chapter 2 - Network Fundamentals

Chapter 3 - Reactors and Resonators

Chapter 4 - Transformations

Chapter 5 - Filter Losses

Chapter 6 - Computer-Aided Strategies

Chapter 7 - Lowpass Structures

Chapter 8 - Bandpass Structures

Chapter 9 - Highpass Structures

Chapter 10 - Bandstop Structures

Appendix A - PWB Manufacturing

Appendix B - List of Symbols

Size : 7 MB

Google Analytics by Jerri Ledford and Mary E. Tyler free pdf ebook download

Google Analytics 2.0

Writer : Jerri Ledford
               Mary E. Tyler

Published Year : 2007

ISBN: 978-0-470-17501-9

Part : 8     Chapter : 25

Part One : Basic Analytics

Chapter : 1 Why Analytics?

Chapter 2 : Analytics and AWStats

Chapter 3 : Yes! More AWStats!

Part Two Setting Up Google Analytics

Chapter 4 : Getting Started

Chapter 5 : The Settings Dashboard

Chapter 6 : Filtering Your Data

Chapter 7 : Using Analytics Goal

Chapter 8 : AdWords Integration

Chapter 9 : Advanced Topics

Part Three The Dashboards

Chapter 10 : The New Dashboard

Chapter 11 : Setting Date Ranges

Part Four All Reports: Visitors

Chapter 12 : Visitors Overview

Chapter 13 : Visitor Trending

Chapter 14 : Visitor Loyalty

Chapter 15 : Browser Capabilities

Chapter 16 : Network Properties

Chapter 17 : User Defined

Part Five All Reports: Traffic Sources

Chapter 18 : Traffic Sources

Chapter 19 : AdWords

Chapter 20 : Additional Traffic Reports

Part Six All Reports: Content

Chapter 21 : Content Overview

Part Seven All Reports: Goals

Chapter 22 : Goals Overview

Part Eight All Reports: E-Commerce

Chapter 23 : E-Commerce

Chapter 24 : Product Performance

Chapter 25 : More E-Commerce Reports

Size : 9 MB 

Electrical Power Systems by Alexandra Von Meier free download


Writer : Alexandra von Meier

Published year : 2006

ISBN-13: 978-0-471-17859-0
ISBN-10: 0-471-17859-4


1. The Physics of Electricity

2. Basic Circuit Analysis

3. AC Power

4. Generators

5. Loads

6. Transmission and Distribution

7. Power Flow Analysis

8. System Performance

9. System Operation, Management, and New Technology

Size : 3.34 MB

Saturday 19 June 2010

Biography Of Stalin By Edvard Radzinsky download


Writer : Edvard Radzinsky

Part : 3  Chapter : 28


1.The Little Angel

2. Childhood Riddles

3. The End of Soso


4. Enigmatic Koba

5. The New Koba

6. A Grand Master’s Games

7. The Great Utopia

8. The Crisis Manager

9. The Birth of Stalin


10. The October Leaders Meet Their End: Lenin

11. The End of the October Leaders

12. The Country at Breaking Point

13. The Dreadful Year

14. The Congress of Victors

15. The Bloodbath Begins

16. “The People of My Wrath” Destroyed

17. The Fall of “The Party’s Favorite”

18. Creation of a New Country

19. Night Life

20. Tending Terror’s Sacred Flame

21. Toward the Great Dream

22. Two Leaders

23. The First Days of War

24. Onward to Victory

25. The Leader’s Plan

26. The Return of Fear

27. The Apocalypse That Never Was

28. The Last Secret

Size : 8 MB

Gandhi A Very Short Introduction Autobiography ebook Download


Writer : Bhikhu Parekh

Published Year : 1997

Publisher : Oxford University Press Inc., New York

ISBN: 0–19–285457–7

Size : 1.55 MB

1. Life and work

2. Religious thought

3. Human nature

4. Satya¯graha

5. Critique of modernity

6. The vision of a non-violent society

7. Critical appreciation

Comandante Che Autobiography free download


Writer : Paul. J. Dosal

Published Year : 2003

Publisher : The Pennsylvania State University Press

ISBN 0-271-02261-2


1. Nobody Surrenders Here!

2. The Making of a Revolutionary

3. The Making of a Guerrilla

4. Comandante Che

5. All Guns to the Sierra

6. The Conquest of Santa Clara

7. Guerrilla Warfare

8. The Tricontinental Strategy

9. The History of a Failure

10. Here I Am Adviser to No One

11. Not Another Vietnam

Size : 2.66 MB

Modern Peacemakers Mother Teresa Autobiography download


Writer : Louise Chipley Slavicek

Published Year : 2007

ISBN-10: 0-7910-9433-2

ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-9433-4

Size : 3MB


1. “The Saint of the Gutters”

2. Growing Up in a Divided Land

3. The Sisters of Loreto

4. “A Call Within a Call”

5. Becoming an International Figure

6. “A Pencil in God’s Hand

Wednesday 16 June 2010

Dreams from My Father by Barack Obama download


Writer : Barack Hussein Obama

      President Of United States

Published Year : 2004

Size : 1.17 MB 

Modern Peacemakers Kofi Annan Autobiography download


Writer : Rachael Koestler Grack

Published Year : 2007

Publisher : Infobase Publishing, New York

ISBN-10: 0-7910-8996-7

ISBN-13: 978-0-7910-8996-5

Page: 115 Pages

Chapter : 9

Size : 1.09 MB