Wednesday 2 June 2010

Auto CAD 2007 for dummies pdf download


Writer : David Byrnes & Mark Middlebrook 

Publisher : Wiley Publishing,Inc. 

Part: 5 ,Chapter :17

ISBN:  978-0-470-59539-8


Part 1: Auto CAD 101

Chapter 1: Introducing AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT
Chapter 2: Le Tour de AutoCAD 2007
Chapter 3: A Lap Around the CAD Track
Chapter 4: Setup for Success

Part 2: Let There be Line

Chapter 5: Get Ready to Draw
Chapter 6: Where to Draw the Line
Chapter 7: Edit for Credit
Chapter 8: A Zoom with a View
Chapter 9: On a 3D Spree

Part 3: If Drawing could talk

Chapter 10: Text with Character
Chapter 11: Entering New Dimensions
Chapter 12: Down the Hatch
Chapter 13: The Plot Thickens

Part 4 : Share and Share Alike

Chapter 14: Playing Blocks and Rasteroids
Chapter 15: Drawing on the Internet

Part 5 : The Part of Ten

Chapter 16: Ten Ways to Do No Harm

Chapter 17: Ten Ways to Swap Drawing Data with Other People and Programs

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