Friday 13 August 2010

Building facebook applications for dummies free download


Writer : Richard Wagner

Richard Wagner is an experienced Web designer and developer as well as
author of several Web-related books. These books include Professional iPhone
and iPod touch Programming, XSLT For Dummies, Creating Web Pages All-in-
One Desk Reference For Dummies, XML All-in-One Desk Reference For
Dummies, Web Design Before & After Makeovers, and JavaScript Unleashed
(1st, 2nd ed.). Before moving into full-time authoring, Richard was vice president
of product development at NetObjects. He was also inventor and chief
architect of the award-winning NetObjects ScriptBuilder. A versatile author
with a wide range of interests, he is also author of The Myth of Happiness and
C.S. Lewis & Narnia For Dummies.

Published Year : 2008

ISBN: 978-0-470-27795-9

Table of Contents

Part I: Getting Friendly with the Facebook Platform

Chapter 1: Introducing Facebook and the Facebook Platform

Chapter 2: The App Walkabout: Building Your
First Facebook Application

Part II: Poking the API

Chapter 3: Working with the Facebook API

Chapter 4: Writing Facebook Markup Language (FBML)

Chapter 5: Exploring FQL: Facebook Query Language

Chapter 6: Scripting with Facebook JavaScript

Chapter 7: “Goin’ API” with Facebook Developer Tools

Part III: Developing Facebook Applications

Chapter 8: Developing Facebook Canvas Pages

Chapter 9: Creating Content for Profile Pages

Chapter 10: Seamless Styles: Styling Your
Facebook Application

Chapter 11: Hear Ye, Hear Ye: Communicating with
the News Feed and Notifications

Chapter 12: Tying It All Together: Speed Dial Application

Part IV: The Part of Tens

Chapter 13: Ten Strategies to Exploit the Power
of the Facebook Platform

Chapter 14: Ten Killer Facebook Applications to Explore .

Chapter 15: Smashing Successes: Ten Tips for Making
Your Application Popular

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