Thursday 30 September 2010

Schaum's Microbiology free pdf ebook download


Writer: I. Edward Alcamo,Ph.D.

            Jennifer M. Warner, Ph.D.

Published Year: 2010 (Second Edition)

Publisher: McGraw- Hill Companies, Inc.

ISBN: 978-0-07-162327-8

Pages: 350 Pages

Size: 6.5 MB(rar)



Development of Microbiology. Characteristics of Microorganisms.


Chemical Principles. Organic Compounds of Microorganisms.


Size Relationships. Microscopy.


Prokaryotes. Eukaryotes.


Cell Duplication and Population Growth. Quantifying Microorganisms.
Environmental Growth Conditions. Laboratory Cultivation Methods.


Enzymes. Energy and ATP. Glycolysis and Fermentation. The Krebs Cycle.
Electron Transport and Chemiosmosis. Other Aspects of Catabolism.


Structure and Physiology of DNA. Protein Synthesis. Regulation of Gene


Mutations. Recombination. Genetic Engineering.


Physical Agents. Chemical Agents. Antibiotics.


Spirochetes. Gram- Negative Rods and Cocci. Gram- Positive Bacteria. Acid-
Fast and Other Bacteria. The Archaea.

Chapter 11 THE FUNGI

Characteristics of Fungi. Physiology and Reproduction of Fungi. Classification
of Fungi.


Characteristics of Protozoa. Physiology and Reproduction of Protozoa.
Classification of Protozoa.


Characteristics of Unicellular Algae. Classification of Unicellular Algae.

Chapter 14 THE VIRUSES

Viral Structure. Viral Replication. Viral Pathology.


The Normal Flora. Pathogenicity. Types of Diseases.


Phagocytosis. Types of Immunity. The Immune System. Antibody- Mediated
Immunity. Cell- Mediated Immunity.


Serological Tests. Immune Disorders.


Bacterial Diseases. Viral Diseases. Other Skin Diseases. Eye and Wound Diseases.


Bacterial Diseases. Viral Diseases. Fungal and Protozoal Diseases.


Bacterial Diseases. Viral Diseases. Fungal and Protozoal Diseases.


Bacterial Diseases. Viral Diseases. Other Microbial Diseases.


Bacterial Diseases. Rickettsial Diseases. Viral Diseases. Other Diseases.


Reproductive Tract Diseases.


Microorganisms and Foods. Food Contamination and Preservation. Laboratory
Testing. Microorganisms and Industry.


Microbial Ecology. Biogeochemical Cycles. Wastewater Microbiology.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Medical Statistics from Scratch ebook free download


Writer: David Bowers

Published Year: 2008

ISBN 978-0-470-51301-9 (cloth : alk, paper)

Editions: Second

Pages: 302

Size: 3.1 MB( rar)

This book is intended to be an introduction to medical statistics but one which is not too
mathematical—in fact has the absolute minimum of maths. The exceptions however are Chapters
17 and 18, on linear and logistic regression. It’s really impossible to provide material on
these procedures without some maths, and I hesitated about including them at all. However
they are such useful and widely used techniques, particularly logistic regression and its production
of odds ratios, that I felt they must go in. Of course you don’t have to read them. It
should appeal to anyone training orworking in the health care arena—whatever their particular
discipline—who wants a simple, not-too-technical introduction to the subject. I have aimed
the book at:

  • students doing either a first degree or diploma in health care-related courses
  • students doing postgraduate health care studies
  • health care professionals doing professional and membership examinations
  • health care professionals who want to brush up on some medical statistics generally, or who want a simple reminder of one particular topic
  • anybody else who wants to know a bit of what medical statistics is about.

Modern Food Microbiology ebook free download


Writer: James M. Jay
           Martin J. Loessner
           David A. Golden

Published Year: 2005

Publisher: Springer Science+Business Media,Inc.

ISBN: 0-387-23180-3
ISBN: 0-387-23413-6(e-book)

Edition: Seventh (Original Print)

Page: 782 Pages

Size: 8.2 MB

The 7th edition of Modern Food Microbiology, like previous editions, focuses on the general biology of the microorganisms that are found in foods. All but one of the 31 chapters have been extensively revised and updated. The new material in this edition includes over 80 new bacterial and 10 new genera of fungi. This title is suitable for use in a second or subsequent course in a microbiology curriculum, or as a primary food microbiology course in a food science or food technology curriculum. Although organic chemistry is a desirable prerequisite, it is not necessary for one to get a good grasp of most of the topics covered. When used as a microbiology text, the following sequence may be used. A synopsis of the information in Chapter 1 will provide students with a sense of the historical developments that have shaped this discipline and how it continues to evolve. Memorization of the many dates and events is not recommended since much of this information is presented again in the respective chapters. The material in Chapter 2 includes a synopsis of modern methods currently used to classify bacteria, taxonomic schemes for yeasts and molds, and brief information on the genera of bacteria and fungi encountered in foods. This material may be combined with the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of growth in Chapter 3 as they exist in food products and as they affect the common foodborne organisms. Chapters 4 to 9 deal with specific food products, and they may be covered to the extent desired with appropriate reviews of the relevant topics in Chapter 3. Chapters 10 to 12 cover methods for culturing and identifying foodborne organisms and/or their products, and these topics may be dealt with in this sequence or just before foodborne pathogens. The food protection methods in Chapters 13 to 19 include some information that goes beyond the usual scope of a second course, but the principles that underlie each of these methods should be covered. Chapters 20 and 21 deal with food sanitation, indicator organisms, HACCP, and FSO systems; and coverage of these topics is suggested before dealing with the pathogens. Chapters 22 to 31 deal with the known (and suspected) foodborne pathogens including their biology and methods of control. Chapter 22 is intended to provide an overview of the chapters that follow. Some of it includes ways in which foodborne pathogens differ from nonpathogens, their behavior in biofilms, and some information on the known roles of sigma factors and quorum sensing among foodborne organisms. The other material in this chapter that deals with the mechanisms of pathogenesis is probably best dealt with when the specific pathogens are covered in their respective chapters. The new Appendix section presents a simplified scheme for grouping foodborne and some general environmental bacterial genera by use of Gram, oxidase, and calalase reactions along with colony pigmentation.

For most semester courses with a 3-credit lecture and accompanying 2 or 3 credit laboratory, only about 65-70% of the material in this text is likely to be covered. The remainder is meant for reference puiposes. The following individuals assisted us by critiquing various parts or sections of this edition, and we extend special thanks to each: B. P. Hedlund, K. E. Kesterson, J. Q. Shen, and H. H.Wang. Those who
assisted with the previous six editions are acknowledged in the respective editions.

Information of Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology Bangladesh Undergraduate,Post-Graduate, Admission and Result


Former Bangladesh Institute of Technology, Chittagong, abbreviated as BIT Chittagong is presently Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology (CUET). It is one of the prominent and prestigious autonomous self-degree-awarding institute in the engineering education of Bangladesh. This Institute was created out of Engineering College, Chittagong that was established in 1968. The Chittagong Engineering College functioned as the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Chittagong. Through a Government ordinance in 1986, the college was converted into an Institute of Technology. In 2003 this institute of technology was converted into a public university. The honorable President of Bangladesh is the Chancellor of the University.

Chittagong University Of Engineering & Technology abbreviated as CUET, is one of the prominent and prestigious degree awarding institute in the engineering education of Bangladesh. This University was created out of Engineering College, Chittagong, that was established in 1968. The Engineering College , Chittagong , functioned as the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Chittagong. Though a Government Ordinance in 1986 the college was converted into an institution (BIT, Chittagong).The honorable President of Bangladesh is the visitor of the institute . A Board of Governors headed by a Chairman appointed by the President is the policy making and administrative authority. There were three other similar Institutes of Technology in the country namely BIT Khulna, BIT Rajshahi and BIT Dhaka that are converted to Khulna University Of Engineering, Rajshashi University Of Engineering & Technology(RUET) & Technology(KUET),Dhaka University Of Engineering & Technology(DUET)

CUET is unique and incompatible due to its proximity to Chittagong, the major sea-port and the beautiful Hill city of the country. The University is situated by the side of the Chittagong-Kaptai road some 25 kilometers off from the center of Chittagong City. Moreover all the tourist attractions of the country like the large hydroelectric plant, the natural beauty of the lake of Kaptai, hill sports of Rangamati, Bandarban, the longest sea beach of the world and tourist resort of Cox's Bazar are only a few hours journey.

The University offers undergraduate and post-graduate degrees in
Civil Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering

In the next five-year plan of the University some other new departments are expected to be established for awarding degrees in the field of latest technology. Presently the following departments are helping the degree-awarding department in teaching subjects relevant to their fields, and started to offer post-graduate degrees in CE, ME and EEE.


Admission Notice 2010-201106-09-2010
Download Notice: DOC PDF06-09-2010
Download Prospectus: DOC PDF06-09-2010
Download Form ( For 'A' Level Candidates ):
Group - KA: DOC PDF 
Group - KHA: DOC PDF

Seat Capacity
No. of Seats
Civil Engineering (CE)
Electrical & Electronics Engg (EEE)
Mechanical Engineering (ME)
Computer Science & Engg (CSE)
Petroleum & Mining Engg (PME)
Architecture (ARCH)
Urban & Regional Planning (URP)

For Details:

Contact Address

Modern Biotechnology Wiley free ebook download


Writer: Nathan S. Mosier
               Michael R. Ladisch

Published Year: 2009

ISBN: 978-0-470-11485-8 (cloth)

Size: 2.6 MB (rar)

Page: 433 Pages

Biotechnology has enabled the development of lifesaving biopharmaceuticals, deciphering
of the human genome, and production of bioproducts using environmentally
friendly methods based on microbial fermentations. The science on which
modern biotechnology is based began to emerge in the late 1970s, when recombinant
microorganisms began to be used for making high -value proteins and peptides
for biopharmaceutical applications. This effort evolved into the production of some
key lifesaving proteins and the development of monoclonal antibodies that subsequently
have provedn to be effective molecules in the fi ght against cancer. In the
late 1980s and early 1990s biotechnology found further application in sequencing
of the human genome, and with it, sequencing of genomes of many organisms
important for agriculture, industrial manufacture, and medicine.
The human genome was sequenced by 2003. At about the same time the
realization developed that our dependence on petroleum and other fossil fuels was
beginning to have economic consequences that would affect every sector of our
economy as well as the global climate. Modern biotechnology began to be applied
in developing advanced enzymes for converting cellulosic materials to fermentable
sugars. The process engineering to improve grain -to-ethanol plants and the rapid
buildout of an expanded ethanol industry began. This provided the renewable liquid
fuels in small but signifi cant quantities.
Thus biology has become an integral part of the engineering toolbox through
biotechnology that enables the production of biomolecules and bioproducts using
methods that were previously not feasible or at scales previously thought impossible.
We decided to develop this textbook that addresses modern biotechnology in engineering.
We started with the many excellent concepts described by our colleagues
by addressing bioprocess engineering and biochemical engineering from a fundamental
perspective. We felt that a text was needed to address applications while at
the same time introduce engineering and agriculture students to new concepts in
biotechnology and its application for making useful products. As we developed the
textbook and the course in which this textbook has been used, the integration of
fundamental biology, molecular biology, and some aspects of genetics started to
become more common in many undergraduate curricula. This further expanded the utility of an application -based approach for introducing students to biotechnology.
This book presents case studies of applications of modern biotechnology in the
innovation process that has led to more effi cient enzymes and better understanding
of microbial metabolism to redirect it to maximize production of useful products.
Scaling up biotechnology so that large quantities of fermentation products could be
produced in an economic manner is the bridge between the laboratory and broader
society use.
This textbook takes the approach of giving examples or case studies of how
biotechnology is applied on a large scale, followed by discussion of fundamentals
in biology, biochemistry, and enzyme or microbial reaction engineering. Innovations
in these areas have occurred at an astounding rate since the mid -1990s. The current
text attempts to connect the innovations that have occurred in molecular biology,
microbiology, and biochemistry to the engineering fundamentals that are employed
to scale up the production of bioproducts and biofuels using microorganisms and
biochemical catalysts with enhanced properties.
The approach that we take treats microorganisms as living biocatalysts, and
examines how the principles that affect the activity of microorganisms and enzymes
are used in determining the appropriate scaleup correlations and for analyzing performance
of living and nonliving biocatalysts on a large scale. Our textbook will
hopefully provide the basis on which new processes might be developed, and suffi -
cient background for students who wish to transition to the fi eld and continue to
grow with the developments of modern biotechnology industry. While we cannot
hope to teach all the fundamentals that are required to cover the broad range of
products that are derived using biotechnology, we do attempt to address the key
factors that relate engineering characteristics to the basic understanding of biotechnology
applied on a large scale.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Details Bangla Instruction,Information and Result of Diversity Visa (DV) Lottery Program 2012

ডিভি লটারী-২০১২

বৈধ পন্থায় আমেরিকা যাওয়ার সপ্ন বাংলাদেশী অনেকেরই। সেই সপ্নপূরনের পথে আরেকধাপ ডাইভার্সিটি ভিসা বা ডিভি লটারি। প্রতি বছরের মত এবারো যুক্তরাষ্টের পররাষ্ট মন্ত্রনালয় আয়োজন করেছে ডাইভার্সিটি ভিসা বা ডিভি-২০১২ কর্মসূচী। প্রতিবছর বিভিন্ন দেশের প্রায় ৫৫০০০ লোক লটারীর মাধ্যমে এই ভিসা কর্মসুচীর আওতায় আমেরিকায় স্থায়ীভাবে বসবাসের সুযোগ পায়।এই ভিসার জন্য আবেদন করতে কোনো ফি দিতে হয় না। শুধু ডিভি বিজয়ীদের ভিসা গ্রহনের সময় নির্ধারীত ফি দিতে হয়।

এই প্রোগ্রামের আবেদন প্রক্রিয়া শুরু হল আজ ৫ই অক্টোবর মধ্যহ্ন থেকে। আবেদনপত্র জমা দেয়ার শেষ সময় ৩রা নভেম্বর মধ্যরাত পর্যন্ত। ডিভির ফল পাওয়া যাবে আগামী বছরের ১লা মে থেকে ৩০ই জুন পর্যন্ত অনলাইনে।

আবেদনের নিয়মঃ

অন্যান্যবারের মত এবারো ডিভি লটারীর আবেদন করতে হবে অনলাইনে। আবেদন করতে হবে এই ঠিকানায়।
ডিভি আবেদনের দিকনির্দেশিনা বাংলাতে পাওয়া যাবে এইখানে এবং ইংরেজিতে এইখানে।
এইখানে লক্ষনীয় যে, ডিভির আবেদনপ্রক্রিয়া শুরুর দিকে করায় ভালো।পরবর্তীতে আবেদনকারীদের চাপ বেশি থাকায় কারীগরি ত্রুটি হওয়ার সম্ভাবনা থাকে।

আবেদন করার সময় যা যা পূরন করতে হবেঃ

ডিভি ওয়েবসাইটের নির্ধারিত আবেদনের ফরমে লিম্নলিখিত জিনিসগুলো সতর্কতার সহিত পূরন করবেনঃ

১। আবেদনকারীর পুরোনাম
২। জন্মতারিখ
৩। জন্মস্থান ( প্রার্থী যে শহরে/জেলায় জন্মগ্রহন করেছে/জন্মনিবন্ধন কার্ডে যা উল্লেখ আছে)
৪। দেশ
৫। আবেদনকারীর ছবি
৬। পুর্ণঠিকানা
৭। বর্তমানে যেই দেশে বসবাস করছেন।
৮। ফোন নম্বর ( যদি থাকে)
৯। ই-মেইল এড্রেস ( যদি থাকে)
১০। সর্বোচ্চ শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যাতা
১১। বৈবাহিক অবস্থা
১২। সন্তানের সংখ্যা ( সন্তানের বয়স ২১ বছরের নিচে হলে )
১৩। স্বামী/ স্ত্রী সংক্রান্ত তথ্য (আবেদনকারী স্বামী হলে এই অংশে স্ত্রীর তথ্য দিতে হবে)
১৪। সন্তান সংক্রান্ত তথ্য

একজন আবেদনকারী একটির বেশি আবেদন করতে পারবেন না। তবে  স্বামী-স্ত্রী পৃথকভাবে দুইটি আবেদন করতে পারবেন। আবেদন প্রক্রিয়া সফল্ভাবে সম্পন্ন হলে  একটি “কনফার্মেশন নাম্বার” সহ আবেদনকারীর নাম ও জন্মসাল দেখানো হবে। ডিভির পরবর্তি ধাপের জন্য এই তথ্যগুলো সংরক্ষন করে রাখা জরুরী।পরবর্তি সময়ে অনলাইনে ভিসা প্রাপ্তি কিংবা স্ট্যাটাস জানতে এই তথ্যসমুহের দরকার হবে।

ছবি সংক্রান্ত তথ্য ( ধরন,আকার,ফরমেট)

অনেকেই ডিভি ফরমের সঙ্গে কেমন ছবি সংযুক্ত করতে হবে তার সঠিক নির্দেশনা না জেনে আবেদন করেন।ফলে আবেদন গ্রহনযোগ্য হয় না। আবেদনকারী নিজেই ছবির গ্রহনযোগ্যতা পরীক্ষা করতে পারবেন এই ঠিকানার “ফটো-ভেলিডেটর” থেকে।
ছবি নেয়ার মাধ্যম দুইটি -ক্যামেরা ও স্ক্যানার। সাদা বা হালকা ব্যাকগ্রাউন্ডে এমনভাবে ছবি তুলতে হবে যাতে ছবির ৫০ থেকে ৬৯ শতাংশ জায়গাজুড়ে আবেদন
কারীর মুখমন্ডল দেখা যায়। ক্যামেরায় তোলা ও স্ক্যান করা ছবির  ক্ষেত্রে "২৪ বিট কালার" হতে হবে। ছবির ফরম্যাট করতে হবে জেপিইজি (.JPEG) ফরম্যাট এ। ছবির রেজ্যুলেশন হবে ৬০০ পিক্সেল(দৈর্ঘ্য) এবং ৬০০ পিক্সেল (প্রস্থ) । স্ক্যানের ক্ষেত্রে ডিপিয়াই(DPI) দিতে হবে ৩০০। লক্ষ রাখতে হবে ছবির সাইজ যেন ২৪০ কিলোবাইটের বেশী না হয়। 

ডিভি আবেদনকারীর যোগ্যতাঃ

নূন্যতম ১২ বছরের শিক্ষা অর্থাৎ উচ্চ-মাধ্যমিক ( এইচ.এস.সি) স্তর সম্পন্নকারীরাইডিভি আবেদনের যোগ্য। যারা উচ্চ-মাধ্যমিক পাস করেননি তারা যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের শ্রম দপ্তর কর্তৃক অনুমোদিত কাজে দুই বছরের অভিজ্ঞতা বা প্রশিক্ষওন থাকলেই আবেদন করতে পারবেন।

আবেদন করার সময় শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যাতা বা পেশার সনদের দরকার হয়না। ডিভিপ্রাপ্তির পরই প্রয়োজনীয় কাগজপত্র জমা দিতে হবে।

ডিভির ফলাফল

যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের ডিপার্টমেন্ট অব স্টেটের ই সাইটে পাওয়া যাবে ডিভি ভিসাপ্রাপ্তির তথ্য।আবেদনকারীরা প্রাপ্ত “কনফার্মেশন নাম্বার” বা নামের শেষাংশ বা পারিবারিক নাম ও জন্মসালসহ এই সাইটে সাবমিট করলেই জানা যাবে ভিসাপ্রাপ্তির তথ্য। যারা ডিভি জেতেননি তাদের কোনো তথ্য এই সাইতে প্রদর্শিত হবে না। এছাড়াও ডাকযোগে চিঠির মাধ্যমেও বিজয়ীদের জানানো হবে।

Information of Islamic University Kushtia Bangladesh Undergraduate,Graduate, Admission and Result


Islamic University (Bengali: ইসলামী বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়) is a public university in Bangladesh financially aided by the Organisation of the Islamic Conference. It was formed in 1985 in Kushtia under the Islamic University Act of 1980 to promote the Islamic system of education in the country. Islamic University started its academic activities on June 28, 1986. The main objective of the university is to provide for instructions in theology and other fields of Islamic studies and comparative jurisprudence and such other branches of learning at graduate and post-graduate levels and make provisions for research including post-doctorate research and training for advancement and dissemination of knowledge.


At present we are undergoing the process of enrolment of students into the First Year of the Bachelors programs of the Session 2010-2011 under the University's 22 academic departments.

Eligibility to Participate:

(a) For Students having Science Background:

An applicant must have passed the HSC or its equivalent (Alim/Diploma-in-Engineering) examination of the year 2009 or 2010 securing GPA at least 3.0 (with Fourth Subject), and
The applicant must have passed the SSC or its equivalent examination securing GPA at least 3.0 (with Fourth subject), and
The applicants GPAs for HSC/equivalent and SSC/equivalent must add up to at least 6.5 (with Fourth Subject).

On the other hand, students having completed the A and O levels must have secured at least Grade 'B' in both the cases.

(b) For Students having Commerce Background:

An applicant must have passed the HSC or its equivalent (Alim/Diploma-in-Commerce) examination of the year 2009 or 2010 securing GPA at least 2.5, and
The applicant must have passed the SSC or its equivalent examination securing GPA at least 2.5 (with Fourth subject), and
The applicants GPAs for HSC/equivalent and SSC/equivalent must add up to at least 5.5 (with Fourth Subject).

On the other hand, students having completed the A and O levels must have secured at least Grade 'C' in both the cases.

(c) For Students having Arts Background:

An applicant must have passed the HSC or its equivalent (Alim) examination of the year 2009 or 2010 securing GPA at least 2.5, and
The applicant must have passed the SSC or its equivalent examination securing GPA at least 2.5 (with Fourth subject), and
The applicants GPAs for HSC/equivalent and SSC/equivalent must add up to at least 5.5 (with Fourth Subject).

On the other hand, students having completed the A and O levels must have secured at least Grade 'C' in both the cases.

(d) For Departments under the Unit 'KAA':

An applicant must have passed the HSC or its equivalent (Alim) examination of the year 2009 or 2010 securing GPA at least 2.5, and
The applicant must have passed the SSC or its equivalent (Dakhil) examination securing GPA at least 2.5 (with Fourth subject), and
The applicants GPAs for HSC/equivalent (Alim) and SSC/equivalent (Dakhil) must add up to at least 5.5 (with Fourth Subject).

On the other hand, students having completed the A and O levels must have secured at least Grade 'C' in both the cases.

Click here to view the official version of the notice in Bangla.

The examinations of the First Year Admission Test 2010-2011 will be taken under SEVEN units. The units shall comprise the departments as outlined below:

(i) 'KAA' Unit:

  • Department of Al-Quran and Islamic Studies
  • Department of Da'wah and Islamic Studies
  • Department of Al-Hadith and Islamic Studies

(ii) 'KHA' Unit:

  • Department of Arabic Language and Literature
  • Department of Bangla
  • Department of Islamic History and Culture
  • Department of English

(iii) 'GAA' Unit:

  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Politics and Public Administration

(iv) 'GHA' Unit:

  • Department of Applied Chemistry and Chemical Technology
  • Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
  • Department of Applied Nutrition and Food Technology

(v) 'UMA' Unit:

  • Department of Applied Physics, Electronics and Communication Engineering
  • Department of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Department of Information and Communication Engineering
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Statistics

(vi) 'CHA' Unit:

  • Department of Accounting and Information Systems
  • Department of Management
  • Department of Finance and Banking

(vii) 'CHH' Unit:

  • Department of Law and Muslim Jurisprudence
  • Department of Al-Fiqh

Click here to view the official version of the prospectus in Bangla.


An applicant must follow the steps outlined below:

The applicant must deposite Tk. 300/- (Three hundred) for each unit he/she opts to apply at the nearest post office of the Bangladesh government providing EMTS (Electronic Money Transfer System) facility between Septermber 1 and September 30, 2010. He/She will have to fill out an EMO (Electronic Money Order) form with his/her S.S.C and H.S.C exams. related information as per prospectus and sample provided by the postal department. If the applicant wants to apply for special quota as well, then he/she must deposit Tk. 100/- (One hundred) more along with any one of the units he/she opts to apply for.
Subject to successful completion of the deposition of the application fee, the postal department will provide the applicant with a secrete PIN (Personal Identification Number).
Having obtained the PIN, the applicant shall download his/her admit card by logging onto and uploading his/her recent photograph of size 300×300 pixel.


The exams. of the Admission Test 2010-2011 are scheduled to be held on October 11, 12, 13, and 14, 2010. Details will be given later.

Please log on to to know more about the Admission Test of the First Year Bachelors Program of Islamic University, Kushtia, under the academic session 2010-2011. 

Result of the Admission Test

Click this Link


 3rd Party Link

Monday 27 September 2010

Gold Chemistry by Fabian Mohr free ebook download


Editor: Fabian Mohr

Published Year: 2009

Publisher: WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA,Weinheim

ISBN: 978-3-527-32086-8

Size: 3.5 MB (rar)

Page: 426 Pages

For few elements the chemistry has recently undergone such an explosive growth as for gold. This is the more surprising since the chemistry of this element had been dormant during most of the 19th and 20th century when the chemistry of most other elements developed rapidly or at least with a steady pace. In the last three decades, however, the number of reports on significant advances in gold chemistry is increasing at such a rate that scientists interested in this field are already in a need of periodical reviews which critically summarize and highlight the most important contributions. Several publishers have reacted to this situation and a series of overviews dedicated to special subjects, and even special issues of periodicals and books with a more general scope have appeared at shorter and shorter intervals. Meanwhile a growing share of these reviews is dedicated to specific applications of the many new findings in gold chemistry, which naturally have been the most powerful incentives for the worldwide research activities. At least in number, these application-oriented investigations have overruled already the curiosity-driven fundamental scientific studies. The symbiotic and synergistic nature of ‘‘pure and applied gold chemistry’’ turned out to be extremely fruitful and successful. The discovery of the unexpected activity of particulate gold in heterogeneous catalysis – observed e. g. in important reactions like the low-temperature oxidation of carbon monoxide or in the activation of olefins – was soon followed by work which provided clear evidence for a similar efficacy of gold salts in homogeneous catalysis. 

There is now a plethora of new protocols in organic synthesis with key steps based on a wide range of highly active and selective gold catalysts, which still keeps growing rapidly. Another research area where gold and its compounds have widened the scope very considerably is the chemistry of complexes with specific photophysical properties. From early observations it had been known that various mono- and polynuclear gold complexes, aggregates and clusters are often strongly luminescent. Physicochemical scrutiny has since provided a much better understanding of the underlying effects and thus this chemistry could be developed into a promising source of components for LEDs, OLEDs and other devices. Even the transition from photonic towards electrogenerated chemiluminescence has also recently been accomplished. In XIII addition, this work has been closely related to research activities dedicated to the development on gold chemistry-based meso-phases (liquid crystals) and NLO materials, where this metal can offer many advantages over established systems. 

Simple gold flakes and more sophisticated gold preparations have played a role in pharmacy and medicine for millennia, and some well-defined complexes have much later indeed been established as potent drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid and arthritic deceases. Following the observations in platinum chemistry, in more recent years there have been positive results also regarding the usage of gold complexes for the treatment of cancer and other deseases, and pertinent investigations are consequently still or again an area of active research. The most rapid growth of gold chemistry is currently observed in nanoparticle technology. Gold nanoparticles in all shapes and sizes are employed in many areas, as diverse as electrochemistry and electronics, photophysics, biochemistry, biology, and medicine. Moreover, self-assembly of monolayers of gold compounds on surfaces has provided surface scientists with an ideal playground for all sorts of investigations at interfaces.

The present volume reflects most of these active areas of research in articles written by some of the leading scientist who themselves have been pioneers in, or contributed to their particular fields of interest. It is very fortunate that articles have also been included which give status reports on the underlying fields of current fundamental research. From these it can be easily extracted that theoretical chemistry has meanwhile contributed enormously to a better understanding of the special effects that are characteristic of gold chemistry. It is also becoming obvious that in coordination chemistry the interest has slowly shifted from standard phosphorus and sulfur ligands to components with carbon and nitrogen donor centers, viz. carbenes, arenes and N-heterocycles, respectively. After a long period during which gold(I) complexes were in the focus of research, renewed attention has also recently been paid to compounds of gold in its higher oxidation states, mainly owing to advantages in catalytic activity and to novel photophysical effects. This collection will therefore be a very valuable source of information and inspiration for all those who proudly call themselves gold chemists already, but also will attract others to this still adolescent division of chemistry.

Deception Point by Dan Brown free ebook download


Writer: Dan Brown

Publisher: Simon & Schuster (US)
             Corgi (UK)

Published Year: 2001

ISBN: 0-552-15176-4 (US)
ISBN: 9780552159722 (UK)

Size: 1MB

Summary of the Book

Intelligence Analyst Rachel Sexton is in her mid-thirties, is single, and works for the NRO (National Reconnaissance Office). Her father, Senator Sedgewick Sexton, is a presidential candidate who is more popular than incumbent President of the United States Zachary Herney. The President sends her to the Arctic as part of a team of experts to confirm and authenticate findings made by NASA deep within the Milne Ice Shelf. NASA's new Polar Orbiting Density Scanner (PODS), part of the Earth Observation System (EOS), a collection of satellites monitoring the globe for signs of large-scale change, has found an extremely dense spot in the Milne Ice Shelf. At this spot NASA discovers a very dense meteorite. In it are insect fossils very similar to, but not the same as, species on earth. NASA claims this as proof of extraterrestrial life.

The find is something NASA needs in the light of recent failures. Senator Sexton uses these failures as an example of government overspending to further his campaign; he wants to abolish NASA and direct the funding toward public schools instead. In order to ensure that the discovery is not tarnished by the reputation that NASA has developed, the President sends four leading civilian scientists (Michael Tolland, a famous oceanographer and TV personality; Corky Marlinson, a brilliant but eccentric astrophysicist; Norah Mangor, a prickly glaciologist and Wailee Ming, a palaeontologist) to the Arctic to verify the meteorite's authenticity.

A Delta MNVAS Force team is also observing the discovery, monitoring the NASA staff for an unknown commander. Ming observes an irregularity within the pit from which the meteorite was extracted. He reaches into the water to obtain a sample and falls in due to an attack by microbots operated by the Delta Force team. He soon drowns to the bottom of the pit.

When Tolland sees the irregularity, he shares it with Corky Marlinson and Rachel Sexton. They report it to Mangor, who confirms that there is sea water in what should be a closed area with only freshwater. The four go outside to scan the ice from a distance. The scan shows Ming's body in the water and a column of frozen sea ice beneath the meteorite where it was drilled up into the glacier. Upon discovering this, the four are attacked by the Delta Force team, leaving Norah Mangor dead. Sexton, Tolland and Marlinson escape and are picked up by the Navy submarine USS Charlotte. The Delta Force team believes them to be dead, leaving the scientists a chance to tell the President's advisor and Rachel's boss at the NRO about their discovery, and the subsequent attack. Rachel's boss, NRO director William Pickering, has them airlifted from the sub to a chopper which escorts them away from the meteorite discovery site.

Eventually, the Senator Sexton's true motive for wanting to abolish NASA is revealed to be his work for the interests of private corporations from the Space Frontier Foundation, who wish to profit off of space exploration in the event that NASA is dismantled. Rachel is unaware of this, and believes that the President and NASA are part of the conspiracy to kill them. If so, their motive would be to cover up evidence that the meteorite is fake and solely designed to gain support for the incumbent President in the upcoming election. Aboard Tolland's ship off the New Jersey coast, where the Delta Force arrives via helicopter to kill them, Rachel sends a fax message to her father asking for help.

Sexton, Tolland, and Marlinson work together to kill the Delta Force squad in self-defense. Rachel is surprised to see Pickering emerging from the helicopter, revealing that he is the commander of the Delta Force squad. He tells Rachel about her father's true motivations for becoming President, and that he (Pickering) masterminded the fake meteorite to hurt Senator Sexton's campaign, protecting the American people in his eyes. When the President sent the civilian team to verify the authenticity of the meteorite, Pickering realized that they would discover his plot and that they needed to be eliminated at all costs. Rachel attempts to reason with Pickering, saying that murder is not a justifiable way of solving the problem. Pickering, however, says that he is "sacrificing a few to save many", and that he will finish the job personally. Pickering shoots at the three with an machine gun, but they manage to get off of the ship. The helicopter slides off the ship into the sea, sinking to the bottom. When the intense heat at the bottom ignites the Tomahawk Missiles still on the helicopter, it tears the existent magma plume at the bottom of the sea, creating a water vortex. The ship is sucked in by the vortex, and Pickering is implied to have been killed in the wreck.

Senator Sexton then reads the fax message his daughter sent him to the public, possibly incriminating the President and NASA. However, the truth eventually comes to light about Senator Sexton's ulterior motives and Pickering's meteorite plot, securing Zachary Herney a second term as President.

By the end of the story, Michael and Rachel have developed a romantic relationship.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Dr. Muhammad Jafar Iqbal's Nissongo Bochon free pdf ebook download

নিঃসঙ্গ বচন

লেখক: ডঃ মুহাম্মদ জাফর ইকবাল

প্রকাশকঃ জ্ঞানকোষ প্রকাশনী

প্রকাশকালঃ ১৯৯৮(বইমেলা)

পিডিএফ প্রকাশকঃ মুর্ছনা

আকারঃ ২.৭৬ মেগাবাইট


  • *আমাদের ছেলে-মেয়ে ফিরিয়ে দাও 
  • *পঁচিশ বছর পর 
  • *আমি অভিশাপ দেই   
  • *লাল নীল শিক্ষক   
  • *টেলিভিশন বিক্রি হবে 
  • *আমারা আন্দামানবাসী 
  • *তাসের ঘরে থাকবো না 
  • *আমার কোচলানা জানবেন 
  • *পাঁচাত্তরের বীজ 
  •  *"প্লাসে প্লাসে মাইনাস"