Saturday 4 September 2010

Joomla for Dummies free ebook download


Writer : Steven Holzner, PhD
              Nancy Conner, PhD

Published Year : 2009

ISBN: 978-0-470-43287-7

Page : 317 pages

Size : 9.3 MB (RAR)


Part I: Getting Started with Joomla 

  • Chapter 1: Essential Joomla
  • Chapter 2: Getting and Installing Joomla
  • Chapter 3: Mastering the Front Page
Part II: Joomla at Work 

  •  Chapter 4: Adding Web Pages to Your Site
  • Chapter 5: Building Navigation into Your Site with Menus
  • Chapter 6: Mastering Web Page Creation

Part III: Working with Joomla Modulesand Templates 

  • Chapter 7: Fun with Modules: Advertisements, Archives,Banners, Custom HTML, and More
  • Chapter 8: More Fun with Modules: Footers, Search Boxes,Who’s Online, Wrappers, and More
  • Chapter 9: Laying Out Your Web Pages with Joomla Templates

Part IV: Joomla in the Real World 

  • Chapter 10: Managing Your Web Site’s Users
  • Chapter 11: Driving Traffi c to Your Web Site with Search Engine Optimization
  • Chapter 12: Extending Joomla
Part V: The Part of Tens

  • Chapter 13: Ten Top Joomla Extensions
  • Chapter 14: Ten Ways to Get Help on Joomla
  • Chapter 15: Ten Top Joomla Template Sites
  • Chapter 16: Ten Joomla Tutorials

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