Monday 29 November 2010

Joomla Web Security by Tom Canavan ebook free download


Writer: Tom Canavan

Published Year: 2008

Publisher: Packt Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-847194-88-6

Page: 264 Pages

Size: 8 MB(rar)

This book is a must-read for anyone seriously using Joomla! for any kind of business, ranging from small retailers to larger businesses. With this book they will be able to secure their sites, understand the attackers, and more, without the drudging task of looking up in forums, only to be flamed, or not even find the answers.

Prior knowledge of Joomla! is expected, but no prior knowledge of securing websites is needed for this book. The reader will gain a moderate to strong level of knowledge on strengthening his or her site(s) against hackers.

Nelson Mandela Autobiography Long Walk to Freedom free download


Author: Nelson Mandela

Published Year: 1995

Publisher: Macdonald Purnell

ISBN: 0-316-87496-5
Page: 65 Pages(Modified)

Size: 1 MB

Long Walk to Freedom is an autobiographical work written by Nelson Mandela, and published in 1995 by Little Brown & Co. The book profiles his early life, coming of age, education and 27 years in prison. The last chapters of the book describe his political ascension, and his belief that the struggle continues against apartheid in South Africa.

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (Xhosa pronunciation: [xoˈliːɬaɬa manˈdeːla]; born 18 July 1918)[1] served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999, and was the first South African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election. Before his presidency, Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist, and the leader of Umkhonto we Sizwe, the armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC). In 1962 he was arrested and convicted of sabotage and other charges, and sentenced to life in prison. Mandela served 27 years in prison, spending many of these years on Robben Island. Following his release from prison on 11 February 1990, Mandela led his party in the negotiations that led to multi-racial democracy in 1994. As president from 1994 to 1999, he frequently gave priority to reconciliation.

In South Africa, Mandela is often known as uTata Madiba, an honorary title adopted by elders of Mandela's clan.
Link 1

Link 2

Mastering Joomla 1.5 by James Kennard ebook free download

Extension and Framework Development

Writer: James Kennard

Published Year: 2007

Publisher: Packt Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-84719-282-0

Page: 486 Pages

Size: 4MB (rar)

This book will guide you through the complexities of implementing components, modules, and plugins in Joomla! 1.5. It provides useful reference material that explains many of the advanced design features and classes available in Joomla! 1.5.

Joomla! is one of the world's top open-source content management systems. The main sources of the PHP MySQL application's success are its comprehensive extension libraries, which extend Joomla! far beyond content management, and its very active forums where one can easily tap into the knowledge of other Joomla! users, administrators, and developers.

The architecture of the latest version of Joomla! differs in many ways from previous versions. Resultantly backward-compatibility with some extensions has been broken; the race is on for developers to update their skills in order to rectify the problems and start building new extensions. Perhaps the most important of the changes is the reorganization and classification of files and classes. This change encourages but does not force developers to use the Joomla! libraries consistently between extensions.


Saturday 27 November 2010

Vocabulary for English for IELTS pdf download


Writer: Rawdon Wyatt

Published Year: 2001

Publisher: Collin Publishing Ltd.

ISBN: 1-901659-60-7

Page: 125 Pages

Size: 3.8 MB

This workbook has been written for students who are planning to sit either the general training or the academic modules of the IELTS exam.It covers some of the main vocabulary points that you will need for ,or come across in the listening,reading,writing and speaking sections of the exam.

Oxford IELTS Preparation and Practice ebook free download



Vladimir Pejovic
Michael Nicklin
Peggy Read

Published Year: 1997


ISBN: 019-554095-6

Page: 113 Pages

Size: 1.3 MB

The first part of the book works through a Practice test, section by section, following the structure of a typical IELTS Listening test The structure of each section is discussed and the type of questions demonstrated Strategies are sug- gested for dealing with the various question types as well as for the Listening test in general.

Friday 26 November 2010

Simple Electrical Flashing LED Project


LED stands for Light Emitting Diode

This project is designed as an introduction to soldering, identifying common components, using the resistor colour code and placing components correctly on stripboard. The LED flashes at about 3Hz (3 flashes per second).

Parts Required

• resistors: 470, 1k, 220k • 555 timer IC (chip)
• capacitor: 1μF 16V radial • battery clip for 9V PP3
• red LED (or orange, yellow or green if you prefer!) 
• stripboard: 6 rows × 21 holes
• 8-pin IC holder (a 'DIL socket') for the 555 IC


1. Solder the 8-pin IC holder in the correct place on the stripboard.

2. Break the 4 tracks under the IC holder with a track cutter tool. You can allow extra holes if your piece of stripboard is large enough.

3. Use the resistor colour code to identify the resistors which are marked with coloured bands to show their value.

4. Insert and solder the resistors in the correct position, they can be put in either way round, but you must line them up correctly with the IC holder.

5. Identify the other parts, then solder them in the correct position and the right way round. To help you identify the parts please see our page on soldering.

6. Solder the 2 wire links in place around the IC holder, it is easier to use plastic-coated singlecore wire. (The flexibility of stranded wire is not needed for connections like this and the strands can be difficult to push through the small hole).

7. Finally insert the 555 timer IC and connect a battery!

>>Click on the circuit image for clear view<<

The GRE test for Dummies 6th Edition ebook free download



Michelle Rose Gilman
Veronica Saydak
Suzee Vlk

Published Year: 2009

ISBN 10: 0-470-00919-5

ISBN 13: 978-0-470-00919-2

Page: 364 Pages

Size: 5 MB (rar)

The GRE Test For Dummies, 6th Edition, is simple and straightforward enough for first-time GRE victims, er, test-takers that they can understand the entire exam and do well right out of the starting gate. But it’s also detailed and sophisticated enough that veterans — folks who’ve taken the exam once or twice before but aren’t resting on their laurels (sounds painful, anyway) — can learn the more complicated information necessary to get those truly excellent scores.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Kaplan GRE exam verbal workbook free download


Writer: Kaplan

Published Year: August,2008


ISBN 13: 978-1419542046

Edition: 3rd

Page: 194 Pages

Size: 3 MB

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a commercially run standardized test that is an admission requirement for many graduate schools in the United States and in other English-speaking countries. Created and administered by Educational Testing Service (or ETS) in 1949, the exam measures verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are not related to any specific field of study. In the United States, Canada, and many other countries, the GRE General Test is offered as a computer-based exam administered by select qualified testing centers; however, paper-based exams are offered in areas of the world where computer-based testing is not available.

In the graduate school admissions process, the level of emphasis that is placed upon GRE scores varies widely between schools and between departments within schools. The importance of a GRE score can range from being a mere admission formality to an important selection factor.

Critics of the GRE have argued that the exam format is so rigid that it effectively tests only how well a student can conform to a standardized test taking procedure. ETS responded by announcing plans in 2006 to radically redesign the test structure starting in the fall of 2007; however, the company has since announced, "Plans for launching an entirely new test all at once were dropped, and ETS decided to introduce new question types and improvements gradually over time." The new questions have been gradually introduced since November 2007.

In the United States and Canada, the cost of the general test is US$160 as of March 2010, although ETS will reduce the fee under certain circumstances. They are promoting financial aid to those GRE applicants who prove economic hardship.[5] ETS erases all test records that are older than 5 years, although graduate program policies on the admittance of scores older than 5 years will vary.

How to hide your Friendlist on Facebook?

You can hide your friend list on Facebook.To do this, At first click on Profile on the blue bar at the top of the screen.

Scroll down to the beginning of your Friends list and click on the pencil to the right of the word Friends.

 After clicking the pencil option you will find a Tab.Click on the Change Visibility Settings Option.

Scroll down and click on the See your friend list box as shown as below.

Choose the Custom Privacy.Make this visible to Only me. Save Settings .That's it. 

Magic Munsi Humayun Ahmed ebook free download

MAGIC MUNSI (ম্যাজিক মুনশি)

Writer: Humayun Ahmed (হুমায়ুন আহমেদ)

Published Year: 2010


ISBN: n/a

Page: 83 Page

Size: 4.62 MB

স্যার, আসব!

আমি চমকে তাকালাম।দরজার সামনে যিনি দাঁড়িয়ে তিনিই যে ম্যাজিক মুনশি তাতে সন্দেহ রইল না।মুখভর্তি দাড়িগোঁফ।মুনশি মাওলানারা দাড়ি রাখেন।গোঁফ রাখেন না।পানি পান করার সময় গোঁফ পানি স্পর্শ করলে পানি নষ্ট (বা হারাম) হয়ে যায়,এই কথা প্রচলিত।যদিও হযরত আলী (রাঃ) -র গালপাট্টা ছিল।গোঁফ ছিল,দাড়িও ছিল।

দরজার সামনে যিনি দাঁড়িয়ে আছেন তার মাথার চুল গ্রামের বয়াতীদের মতো লম্বা।মধ্যবয়স্ক মানুষ।অত্যান্ত সুপুরুষ।চোখের তারা ঘন কালো।চোখ যক্ষ্মা রোগীদের মতো ঝকমক করছে।তবে মানুষটির যক্ষ্মা নেই,থাকলে খুকখুক কাশি শুনতাম.....................

Molecular Biopharmaceutics pharmacy ebook free download



Bente Steffansen
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Birger Brodin
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Carsten Uhd Nielsen
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmaceutics and Analytical Chemistry
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Published Year: 2010

Publisher: Pharmaceutical Press

ISBN: 978-0-85369-722-0

Pages: 392

Size: 16 MB

The goal of the present book is to describe aspects of molecular biopharmaceutics related to drug characterisation, drug delivery and dosage form evaluation of small active pharmaceutical ingredients. Although molecular biopharmaceutics is a complex and developing academic scientific area, it is relevant to both industrial preformulation, formulation and preclinical scientists as well as chemical assessors within regulatory affairs. This book is primarily aimed at biopharmaceutical scholars and scientists within academia. However, we believe that employees in industrial pharmaceutical development as well as chemical assessors in pharmaceutical regulatory affairs may find the book valuable.

Monday 22 November 2010

The Road Ahead Bill Gates Autobiography ebook free download


Author: Bill Gates

Published Year: 1995

Publisher: Pearson Education Limited

ISBN: 978-0140260403

Pages: 73 Pages (modified)

Size: 420 KB

Bill Gates, famous across the world for his successful business, Microsoft, gives readers a fascinating insight into how personal computers are in the future going to change our lives still further and how the Internet will continue to evolve. Optimistic and enthusiastic, Bill Gates takes the reader into a world of the near future. This is a world where less paper is used, where teachers share their work and reach more students, where businesses hold meetings across the world without anyone leaving their offices, and where someone’s house can recognize them and choose their favorite music as they enter.

The Road Ahead is Bill Gates’ view of how the Information Highway - the Internet - will affect everybody. Gates is not blind to possible problems, but he stresses the fact that the computer is always just a tool, and must be treated as such.

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Sunday 21 November 2010

Misir Ali Apni Kothay pdf ebook free download

MISIR ALI APNI KOTHAY (মিসির আলি!আপনি কোথায়?)

Writer: Humayun Ahmed (হুমায়ুন আহমেদ)

Published Year: n/a


ISBN: n/a

Page: 93 Pages

Size: 4.7 MB

মিসির আলি অবাক হয়ে কুয়াশা দেখছেন।কুয়াশা দেখে অবাক বা বিস্মিত হওয়া যায় না।তিনি হচ্ছেন।কারণ কুয়াশা এক জায়গায় স্থির হয়ে নেই।সে জায়গা বদল করছে।তার সামনে মাঝারি সাইজের আমগাছ।কুয়াশায় গাছ ঢাকা।ডালপালা-পাতা কিছুই দেখা যাচ্ছে না।হঠাৎ কুয়াশা সরে গেল।আমগাছটা দেখা গেল।সেই কুয়াশাই ভর করল পাশের একটা গাছকে যেটি তিনি চিনেন না...............

Himur Hate Koekti Nil Podda pdf free download

HIMUR HATE KOYEKTI NIL PODDA (হিমুর হাতে কয়েকটি নীলপদ্ম)

Writer: Humayun Ahmed (হুমায়ুন আহমেদ)

Published Year: n/a


ISBN: n/a

Page: 53 Pages

Size: 3 MB

আজকের দিনটা এত সুন্দর কেন? সকালবেলা জানালা খুলে আমি হতভম্ব হয়ে গেলাম।এ কি! আকাশ এত নীল? আকাশতো এত নীল হওয়ার কথা না।ভুমধ্যসাগরীয় আকাশ হলেও একটা কথা ছিল ?এ হচ্ছে খাটি বঙ্গদেশীয় আকাশ,বেশিরভাগ সময় ঘোলা থাকার কথা............

Simple Electrical Circuit Project Low cost Automatic Emergency Light



Here is a white-LED-based emergency light that offers the following advantages:
1. It is highly bright due to the use of white LEDs.
2. The light turns on automatically when mains supply fails, and turns off when mains power resumes.
3. It has its own battery charger. When the battery is fully charged, charging stops automatically.

The circuit comprises two sections: charger power supply and LED driver.The charger power supply section is built around 3-terminal adjustable regulator (IC1) LM317, while the LED driver section is built around transistor BD140(T2). In the charger power supply section, input AC mains is stepped down by transformer to deliver 9V, 500mA to the bridge rectifier, which comprises diodes (IN4007x4). Filter capacitor (25v/1000uf)eliminates ripples. Unregulated DC voltage is fed to input pin 3 of IC1 and provides charging current through diode IN4007(D5) and limiting resistor (16ohm)R16. By adjusting preset 2.2K(VR1), the output voltage can be adjusted to deliver the required charging current. When the battery gets charged to 6.8V, zener diode conducts and charging current from regulator (IC1) finds a path through transistor BC547(T1) to ground and it stops charging of the battery. The LED driver section uses a total of twelve 10mm white LEDs. All the LEDs are connected in parallel with a 100-ohm resistor in series with each. The common-anode junction of all the twelve LEDs is connected to the collector of pnp transistor T2 and the emitter of transistor T2 is directly connected to the positive terminal of 6V battery. The unregulated DC voltage, produced at the cathode junction of Bridge(Diodes), is fed to the base of transistor T2 through a 1k resistor. When mains power is available, the base of transistor T2 remains high and T2 does not conduct. Thus LEDs are off. On the other hand, when mains fails, the base of transistor T2 becomes low and it conducts. This makes all the LEDs (LED1 through LED12) glow. The mains power supply, when available, charges the battery and keeps the LEDs off as transistor T2 remains cut-off. During mains failure, the charging section stops working and the battery supply makes the LEDs glow. Assemble the circuit on a general-purpose PCB and enclose in a cabinet with enough space for battery and switches. Mount the LEDs on the cabinet such that they light up the room. A hole in the cabinet should be drilled to connect 230V AC input for the primary of the transformer. I have tested the circuit with twelve 10mm white LEDs.You can use more LEDs provided the total current consumption does not exceed 1.5A. Driver transistor T2 can deliver up to 1.5A with proper heat-sink arrangement.

Saturday 20 November 2010

Effective Project Management Fourth Edition by Robert K. Wysocki ebook free download


Writer: Robert K. Wysocki, Ph.D

Published Year: 2007

ISBN-13: 978-0-470-04261-8
ISBN-10: 0-470-04261-3

Page: 665 Pages

Size: 4.5 MB

This definitive guide to project management shows you how to:
* Take advantage of new variations on traditional project management methods, including risk assessment and control
* Decide the best method for managing specific types of projects by analyzing all of the pros and cons
* Apply the Adaptive Project Framework to the world of fast-paced, high-change, and complex projects
* Create a war room to successfully manage multiple team projects
* Determine how project portfolio management approaches can help companies achieve a greater return on investment
* Utilize all nine Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) standards advocated by the Project Management Institute (PMI)

Basic of Concrete Science by L. Dvorkin and O.Dvorkin science ebook free download



L. Dvorkin

Published Year: 2006

Publisher: n/a

ISBN: 590319702-7

Page: 199 Pages

Size: 4.95 MB

Modern concrete science is dynamically developed applied science which subject is studying of structure and properties of the composite materials received at hardening of binders and aggregates.The primary goal of concrete science is working out the theory of producing ofconcrete with given properties, maintenance of their working capacity andnecessary durability in structures and constructions at influence of servicefactors.

There are enlightened basic aspects of scientific concrete science. There is given summary of modern ideas about hardening and structure-forming of cement stone and concrete, rheological and technological properties of concrete mixes, strength, strain and other properties, which determine concrete operate reliability and durability. There are considered basic types of normal weight cement concrete, lightweight and cellular concrete, non-cement mineral binders concrete,
mortars. The book is addressed to students and post-graduate students of construction specialties of higher educational establishments, scientists and technologists

Hands-On Electronics ebook free download



Daniel M. Kaplan
Christopher G. White

Published Year: 2003

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

ISBN 13: 978-0-511-07668-8

ISBN 10: 0-511-07668-1

Pages: 228 Pages

Size: 2.08 MB

Packed full of real circuits to build and test, Hands-On Electronics is a unique introductionto analog and digital electronics theory and practice. Ideal both as a college textbook andfor self-study, the friendly style, clear illustrations and construction details included in thebook encourage rapid and effective learning of analog and digital circuit design theory.All the major topics for a typical one-semester course are covered, including RC circuits,diodes, transistors, op amps, oscillators, digital logic, counters, D/A converters and more.There are also chapters explaining how to use the equipment needed for the examples(oscilloscope, multimeter and breadboard), together with pinout diagrams for all the keycomponents referred to in the book.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Simple Project on Electrical Circuit -Automatic Fan Controller



Th1, the 50K thermistor, is a standard type. Mine was a bar or rectangular looking thingy. Available from Tandy/Radio-Shack. Almost any type will do. I experimented with different models from 22K to 100K and all worked fine after replacing the trimmer pot. The one used in the above circuit diagram was a 50K model. This 50K was measured at exactly 25 °C and with 10% tolerance. The resistance increases as the surrounding temperature decreases. Tolerance for my application (cooling a large powersupply coolrib) is 10%. Another name for this thing is 'NTC'. NTC stands for "Negative Temperature Coefficient" which means when the surrounding temperature decreases the resistance of this thermistor will increase. I replaced my thermistor for a 60K hermetically sealed glass type since the environment for my application may contain corrosive particles which may affect performance on a future date. P1 is a regular Bourns trimmer and adjusts a wide range of temperatures for this circuit.

I used the 10-turn type for a bit finer adjustment but the regular type will work for your application. R1 is a 'security' resistor just in case the trimmer pot P1 is adjusted all the way to '0' ohms. At which time the thermistor would get the full 12 volt and it will get so hot that it puts blisters on your fingers... :-)R3 feeds a bit of hysteresis back into the op-amp to eliminate relay 'chatter' when the temperature of the thermistor reaches its threshold point. Depending on your application and the type you use for Q1 and Re1, start with 330K or so and adjust its value downwards until your satisfied. The value of 150K shown in the diagram worked for me. Decreasing the value of R2 means more hysteresis, just don't use more then necessary. Or temporarily use a trimmer pot and read off the value. 120K worked for me.
Transistor Q1 can be a 2N2222(A), 2N3904, NTE123A, ECG123A, etc. Not critical at all. It acts only as a switch for the relay so almost any type will work, as long as it can provide the current needed to activate the relay's coil. D1, the 1N4148, acts as a spark arrestor when the contacts of the relay open and eliminates false triggering. For my application the 1N4148 was good enough since the tiny relay I used was only 1 amp. However, you can use a large variety of diodes here, my next choice would be a regular purpose 1N4001 or something and should be used if your relay type can handle more then 1 amp. If you like to make your own pcb, try the one above. The pcb is fitted with holes for the relay but may not fit your particular relay. It was designed for a Aromat HB1-DC12V type. The variety and model of relays is just to great. How to mount it then? Well, I left ample space on the pcb to mount your relay. You can even mount it up-side-down and connect the wires individually. Use Silicon glue, cyanoacrylate ester (crazy glue), or double-sided tape to hold the relay in place. Works well. Note that the pcb and layout is not according to the circuit diagram in regards to the hookup of the fans. The PCB measures approximately 1.5 x 3 inches (4.8 x 7.6mm) If you print the pcb to an inkjet printer it is probably not to scale. Try to fit a 8-pin ic socket on the printed copy to make sure it fits before making the pcb...

To view the circuit diagram in big, click on the circuit diagram image.

Oreilly Digital Photography Pocket Guide by Derrick Story pdf photography ebook free download


Writer: Derrick Story

Published Year:2010

Publisher: Oreilly

Size: 3 MB

Himu by Humayun Ahmed pdf free download

HIMU ( হিমু )

Writer: Humayun Ahmed (হুমায়ুন আহমেদ)

Published Year: n/a


ISBN: n/a

Page: 91 Pages (৯১ পৃষ্ঠা)

Size: 4.38 MB (৪.৩৮ মেগাবাইট)

প্রসঙ্গ হিমু

হিমু আমার প্রিয় চরিত্রগুলোর মধ্যে একটি।যখন হিমুকে নিয়ে লিখি-নিজেকে হিমু মনে হয়, একধরনের ঘোর অনুভব করি।এই ব্যাপারটা অন্য কোনো লেখার তেমন করে সময় ঘটে না।হিমুকে নিয়ে আমার প্রথম লেখা ময়ুরাক্ষী।ময়ূরাক্ষী লেখার সময় ব্যাপারটা প্রথম লক্ষ্য করি........................................।

-হুমায়ুন আহমেদ

Adhvut Sob Golpo pdf ebook free download

ODVUT SOB GOLPO (অদ্ভুত সব গল্প)

Writer: Humayun Ahmed (হুমায়ুন আহমেদ)

Published Year: n/a 


ISBN: n/a

Page: 57 Pages(৫৭ পৃষ্ঠা)

Size: 7.7 MB (৭.৭ মেগাবাইট)

তার নাম চান্দ শাহ ফকির।আসল নাম না নকল নাম।আসল নাম সেকান্দর আলি।যারা মন্ত্র তন্ত্র নিয়ে কাজ করে তাদের নানা রকম ভেক ধরতে হয়।নামও বদলাতে হয়।চাল-চলন,আচার আচরণ সাধারণ মানুষের মত হলে হয় না।সাধারণ মানুষের ভয়,ভক্তি ও শ্রদ্ধার অর্জনের জন্য তাদের সারাক্ষণেই নানারকম চেষ্টা চালাতে হয়..........................................।