Saturday 20 November 2010

Basic of Concrete Science by L. Dvorkin and O.Dvorkin science ebook free download



L. Dvorkin

Published Year: 2006

Publisher: n/a

ISBN: 590319702-7

Page: 199 Pages

Size: 4.95 MB

Modern concrete science is dynamically developed applied science which subject is studying of structure and properties of the composite materials received at hardening of binders and aggregates.The primary goal of concrete science is working out the theory of producing ofconcrete with given properties, maintenance of their working capacity andnecessary durability in structures and constructions at influence of servicefactors.

There are enlightened basic aspects of scientific concrete science. There is given summary of modern ideas about hardening and structure-forming of cement stone and concrete, rheological and technological properties of concrete mixes, strength, strain and other properties, which determine concrete operate reliability and durability. There are considered basic types of normal weight cement concrete, lightweight and cellular concrete, non-cement mineral binders concrete,
mortars. The book is addressed to students and post-graduate students of construction specialties of higher educational establishments, scientists and technologists

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