Saturday 15 January 2011

Wicked Cool PHP free ebook Download


Writer: William Steinmetz & Brian Ward

Published Year: 2008

Publisher: No Starch

ISBN 13: 978-1-593-27173-2

Page: 216 Page

Size: 2 MB (rar)

PHP is an easy-to-use scripting language perfect for quickly creating the Web features you need. Once you know the basics of how the language works, wouldn't it be great to have a collection of useful scripts that solve those tricky problems and add interesting functionality to your site? We thought so, too.

Instead of starting at "Hello World," Wicked Cool PHP assumes that you're familiar with the language and jumps right into the good stuff. After you learn the FAQs of life-the most commonly wished for PHP scripts-you'll work your way through smart configuration options and the art of forms, all the way through to complex database-backed scripts.

Wicked Cool PHP contains a wide variety of scripts to process credit cards, check the validity of email addresses, template HTML, and serve dynamic images and text. The 76 easily implemented scripts will also teach you how to:

  • Send and receive email notifications
  • Track your visitors' behavior with cookies and sessions
  • Override PHP's default settings
  • Manipulate dates, images, and text on the fly
  • Harness SOAP and other web services
  • Create an online poll, ecard delivery system, and blog

But it's not all fun and games: Security is a big concern when programming any web application. So you'll learn how to encrypt your confidential data, safeguard your passwords, and prevent common cross-site-scripting attacks. And you'll learn how to customize all of the scripts to fit your own needs.

Dynamic Web content doesn't have to be difficult. Learn the secrets of the craft from two experienced PHP developers with Wicked Cool PHP.

Learning jQuery Packt Publishing free Download


  • Jonathan Chaffer 
  • Karl Swedberg

Published Year: 2007

Publisher: Packt Publishing

ISBN: 978-1-847192-50-9

Page: 376 Pages

Size: 5.6 MB (rar)

jQuery is a powerful JavaScript library that can enhance your websites regardless of your background. Created by John Resig, jQuery is an open-source project with a dedicated core team of top-notch JavaScript developers. It provides a wide range of features, an easy-to-learn syntax, and robust cross-platform compatibility in a single compact file. What's more, over a hundred plug-ins have been developed to extend jQuery's functionality, making it an essential tool for nearly every client-side scripting occasion. Learning jQuery provides a gentle introduction to jQuery concepts, allowing you to add interactions and animations to your pages—even if previous attempts at writing JavaScript have left you baffled. This book guides you past the pitfalls associated with AJAX, events, effects, and advanced JavaScript language features.

This book is for web designers who want to create interactive elements for their designs, and for developers who want to create the best user interface for their web applications. The reader will need the basics of HTML and CSS, and should be comfortable with the syntax of JavaScript. No knowledge of jQuery is assumed, nor is experience with any other JavaScript libraries required.

Php Architects Guide to Programming Magento Download

PHP|Architect’s Guide to Programming MAGENTO

Writer: Mark Kimsal

Published Year: May, 2008

Publisher: Marco Tabini & Associates, Inc.

ISBN: 978-0-9738621-7-1

Page: 181 Pages

Size: 6 MB (rar)

This book is organized roughly into two sections. The first section describes how Magento works from a code perspective and from a general user-interface perspective. The remaining chapters will walk the reader through building various modules forMagento by example. Although not a complete detail ofMagento’s API, this book should give the reader all the learning by examples that he or she should need to understand all the concepts that driveMagento’s code.

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Goniter Moja Mojar Gonit By Jafar Iqbal Download

GONITER MOJA MOJAR GONIT (গণিতের মজা মজার গণিত)

Writer: Muhammad Jafar Iqbal (মুহাম্মদ জাফর ইকবাল)

Published Year: June 2007

Publisher: Annyaprokash / অন্যপ্রকাশ

ISBN:  9848684220

Page: 150 Pages

Size: 12.71 MB

যারা গণিত ভালবাসে তাদের কাছে বইটি অনেক ভালো লাগবে।গনিতের অনেক সুক্ষ নিয়ম-কানুন এবং অনেক মজার গনিতের ধাঁধা এখানে লেখক সন্নিবেশ করেছেন।

Packt WordPress Theme Design free download


Writer: Tessa Blakeley Silver

Published Year: 2008

Publisher: Packt Publishing Ltd.

ISBN: 978-1-847193-09-4

Page: 224 Pages

Size: 9.5 MB(rar)

This book can be used by WordPress users or visual designers (with no server-side scripting or programming experience) who are used to working with the common industry-standard tools like PhotoShop and Dreamweaver or other popular graphic, HTML, and text editors. Regardless of your web development skill-set or level, you'll be walked through the clear, step-by-step instructions, but there are many web development skills and much WordPress know-how that you'll need to be familiar with to gain maximum benefit from this book.

Build your own wicked wordpress theme free Download



1. Allan Cole
2. Raena Jackson Armitage
3. Brandon R. Jones
4. Jeffery Way

Published Year: 2010

Publisher: Sitepoint

ISBN-10: 0980455294
ISBN-13: 978-0980455298

Page: 250 Pages

Size:  24 MB

Wicked WordPress Themes are a step-by-step guide to creating beautiful themes for most popular CMS in the world, WordPress. Following the advice of the book, readers can produce designs that are aesthetically stunning, consistent, and for the appointment, whether it’s for your own use, or drive a high price on the market. All aspects of the themes covered: from design, coding and deployment software designs readers are ready to use once they are installed. Wicked WordPress Themes teaches readers how to use the framework themes significantly reduce development time, allowing them to enter in the subject market.


[Disclaimer: I'm not original uploder of this Book.I Just share the Link from this Site

Make Money on Onbux The Way to Success

Believe that OnBux is new one best paid to click programs out there.

They do one thing consistently and that is they pay instantly!!!!!!

They seem to have a clear business model and show a level of sustainability that you normally do not see. Some people complain that it is not easy to make a lot of money with OnBux. I believe that OnBux is one of the best paid to click programs out there.

With the right strategy it is not hard to make a good amount of money consistently without the worry of the company disappearing tomorrow.

You need to pick a strategy and stay with it for the long haul with OnBux.

With a few minutes a day you can really generate a nice income stream with OnBux.

Below is a strategy for those that are just starting out with OnBux.

1. Sign Up: Click here

After registering at Onbux, click "View ads". You will see 4 ads with icon on the left side. If you see star icon, that means you can now view the ads. If it's a clock icon, your ads are not yet viewable. You need to wait for the advertisements to reset.Follow the Photo Instruction.

2. On the "View ads" page, click one advertisement. It will open in a new window. Wait for the advertisement to load. Then you will see something like this:

Click the letter which is the same of the one on the left side. For this example, you will click "C".

3. If you click the correct letter, $0.01 will be credited to your account. As shown below.

You can now close the advertisement.

Refresh your "view ads" page. Repeat the steps until you view and click all the available ads.

Click "My Account" to check your balance.

4. Utilize all free methods of advertising to gain any direct referrals. Talk it up with your friends and relatives. Put a tagline on your e-mail signature. Post in forums. Use free traffic exchanges.

5. Once your account balance reaches $1. Transfer this money to your rental balance and rent 3 referrals. It is only $0.75 to rent the referrals but you will need the remainder to properly manage the referrals.

6. Put the autopay function on.

7. If a referral of yours has not clicked today or yesterday and has click average of less than 2.0 then recycle it ($0.08) and get a new referral. If they have a click average of between 2.0 and 4.0, I will give them 3 days before I recycle them.

8. I will give those with an average of over 4.0 seven days to return and click just because I would hate to recycle a great referral just because they were on vacation for a week.

9. Whenever, one of your referrals goes below 20 days before next payment pay to add another 30 days. Below 20 days, the autopay function does not work and you will not get the savings for that referral.

10. Every time your account balance reaches $1 transfer the money to your rental balance.

11. At first when you are only making a couple of cents per day it is important to keep enough in your rental balance to maintain your recycling activity because you can only transfer in $1 increments. Once you can complete this transfer and have at least $2.40 in your rental balance rent another 3 referrals.

12. Continue this process until you are making a $1 a day in your account balance.

13. At this point you can begin renting in bigger chunks of referrals every 7 days. Never rent a number of referrals that is greater than 33% of your existing totals as these will become difficult to manage through recycling with your earnings.

14. It will take a while but continue the above listed process until you reach 500 referrals. At this point stop renting and just maintain your referrals.

15. Accumulate the earnings until you can pay for the upgrade to golden.

16. Once golden, maintain your referrals as before. Every week continue to rent referrals until you hit the 2000 refs mark.

Any money that you are not sinking into referral maintenance or renting is profit for you. I believe that OnBux is one of the best paid to click programs out there.

You can withdraw earned money through several different methods: PayPal, AlertPay etc.

Source: 1 , 2

Sunday 9 January 2011

Starting Electronics 3rd by Keith Brindley Download


Writer: Keith Brindley

Published Year: 2005

Publisher: ELSEVIER

ISBN: 07506-63863

Edition: 3rd Editions

Size: 5.8 MB

This book originated as a collection of feature articles, previously published as magazine articles. They were chosen for publication in book form not only because they were so popular with readers in their original magazine appearances but also because they are so relevant in the field of introductory electronics — a subject area in which it is evermore difficult to find information of a technical, knowledgeable, yet understandable nature. This book is exactly that. The book began with Basic idea about electronics.This book helps you to get Knowledge about Electronics.

Omega Point by Humayun Ahmed free Download

OMEGA POINT (ওমেগা পয়েন্ট)

Writer: Humayun Ahmed (হুমায়ুন আহমেদ)

Published Year: n/a


ISBN: n/a

Size: 5.3 MB

ইয়াসিন সাহেব বারান্দায় অজু করতে এসে দেখেন শশা-মাচার নিচে লাল শাড়ী পরা বউ মত কে যেন ঘুরঘুর করছে।শশার মাচাতো বেড়ানোর জায়গা না।কে ওখানে? শশা তুলছ নাকি?তাইতো শশাইতো তুলছে।কোচাভর্তি শশা।সুর্য ডোবার পর ফলবতী গাছের ফল ছেড়া যায় না এই সত্যটাকি মেয়েটা জানে না?....................................

Mohakashe Mohatrash by Jafar Iqbal free Download

MOHAKSHE MOHATRASH (মহাকাশে মহাত্রাস)

Writer: Muhammad Jafar Iqbal (মুহাম্মদ জাফর ইকবাল)

Published Year: n/a

Publisher: n/a

ISBN: n/a

Size: 5 MB

ক'দিন থেকেই হাসান মনে মনে ছটফট করছে।আজ প্রায় পাঁচ বছর হল সে মহাকাশ স্টেশান এন্ড্রোমিডার সর্বময় কর্তা হিসেবে কাজ করে যাচ্ছে।এর ভিতরে পৃথিবীতে গিয়েছে মাত্র কয়েকবার-শেষবার গিয়েছিল গতবছর মাত্র দুসপ্তাহের জন্য।পৃথিবীতে তার আপন বলতে কেউ নেই তাই মনে হয় পৃথিবীটাই তার সবচেয়ে আপন............................................................

The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics Download


Editor in Chief: Stan Gibilisco

Published Year: 2001

Publisher: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Edition: Eighth Edition

ISBN: 0-07-137236-9

Size: 5.7 MB

The Illustrated Dictionary of Electronics—8th Edition has been revised, clarified, and updated, reflecting technological advances of recent years. New definitions have been added in the fields of wireless technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Every effort has been made to be concise and accurate, without “talking down” to the reader. Many definitions contain cross references (indicated in ALL CAPITALS); these provide recommended additional information or allow comparison with related terms. Expressions of special significance are printed in italics. Electronics abbreviations are included in the text; the full terms are stated as definitions.

Monday 3 January 2011

FBML Essentials by Jesse Stay download


Writer: Jesse Stay

Published Year: 2008

Publisher: O’Reilly Media, Inc.

ISBN: 978-0-596-51918-6

Page: 190 Pages

Size: 3 MB

On May 24, 2007, the world changed forever when Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook was opening its platform, or “social graph,” to developers (see p=3102). This update would allow developers to access a wealth of information, from names and birth dates to friend information and the ways that users link together. Never since the invention of the web browser has an API made such an impact on the world. For many, Facebook has become the web browser for the social Internet.

Since Zuckerberg’s announcement at the F8 conference, software developers around the world—including myself—have rushed to be the first to make their millions in a literal gold rush not seen since the dot-com boom. In a matter of days, we have watched our applications go from zero to millions of users. The Facebook Platform has opened up a wealth of knowledge to us as developers. The API gives developers the flexibility through PHP, Java, Perl, Ruby, .NET, and virtually any other language to access user information through a simple REST interface. A data access language called Facebook Query Language (FQL) allows simple SQL-like statements to retrieve information through that API. The Facebook Data Store API gives developers a location in which to store their regularly accessed data. A JavaScript™ client library allows client-side access to the API, requiring only simple HTML to render data from Facebook. On top of all that, Facebook released the Facebook Markup Language (FBML), which lets you render data on a page without the need to always access the API.

Each one of these aspects of the Facebook Platform could warrant its own book. FBML Essentials is intended to be your guide to perhaps the most important and basic component of the platform, FBML.

Ahok by Humayun Ahmed free Download

AHOK (অহঁক)

Writer: Humayun Ahmed (হুমায়ুন আহমেদ)

Published Year: n/a

Publisher: Murchona

ISBN: n/a

ইন্টারগ্যালাক্টিক স্পেসশিপগুলোর পরিচালনা নীতিমালায় তিনটি না-সুচক সাবধান বাণী আছে।স্পেসশিপের ক্যাপ্টেন কে এই তিন 'না' মেনে চলতে হবে।

১.স্পেশশিপ কখনো নিউট্রন স্টার বলয়ের ভিতর দিয়ে যাবে না।
২.ব্লাকহোলের বলয়ের ভিতর দিয়ে যাবে না।
৩.অহঁক গোষ্ঠীর সিমানার কাছাকাছি যাবে না।ভুলক্রমে যদি চলে যায় তাহলে দ্রুত বের হয়ে আসবে।

সমস্যা হল নিউট্রন স্টার ও ব্লাকহোল এর অস্তিত্ব আগেভাগেই টের পাওয়া যায় এবং সময়মত ব্যবস্থা নেয়া যায় ।কিন্তু অহকদের ব্যাপারটা ভিন্ন।

Sunday 2 January 2011

The Ultimate CSS Reference ebook download



Published Year: 2008

Publisher: SitePoint Pty Ltd

ISBN: 978–0–9802858–5–7

Page: 436 Pages

Size: 5.2 MB(rar)

Using cascading style sheets(CSS) is the recommended way to control the presentation of web pages. It allows the presentation layer to remain separate from the content and behavior layers, which makes site maintenance much easier and reduces bandwidth usage. One or more external style sheets can be attached to an HTML page via link elements or @import rules. A page can also include internal style sheets within style elements.
XML pages can be linked to external style sheets via processing instructions. Finally, styling can be specified for an HTML element via its style attribute, but this approach isn’t recommended. An external or internal style sheet can be applied for one or more output media. A style sheet or group of style sheets can be persistent, preferred, or alternative, andchosen as such by the user through a browser that supports alternative style sheets.This book helps you to get a clear idea about CSS.

Beginning Zend Framework by Armando Padilla


Writer: Armando Padilla

Published Year: 2009

Publisher: Apress

ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4302-1825-8

ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4302-1826-5

Page: 424 Pages

Size: 5 MB

Welcome to Beginning Zend Framework! The primary goal of this book is to set the foundation for your journey into Zend Framework. You can be a beginner or a seasoned developer—this book includes something for everyone. For the Zend Framework beginner, this book covers everything from the basic setup to answering questions about what a controller is. For the seasoned developer, it includes chapters on the caching and the search component of Zend Framework. What the book doesn’t include is a how-to of PHP. Because the book is entirely focused on using PHP, you need at least a basic understanding of the language.

Zend Framework in Action pdf Download


Writer: Rob Allen and Nick Lo

Published Year: 2007

ISBN: 1933988320

Page: 199 Pages

Size: 4 MB

PHP has been used to develop dynamic websites for over 10 years. Initially all PHP websites were written as PHP code interspersed within HTML on the same page. This works very well initially as there is immediate feedback and for simple scripts this appears to be all that is needed. PHP grew in popularity through versions 3 and 4, and so it was inevitable that larger and larger applications would be written in PHP. It became obvious very quickly that intermixing PHP code and HTML was not a long term solution for large websites. 

The problems are obvious in hindsight: maintainability and extensibility. Whilst PHP intermixed with HTML allows for extremely rapid results, in the longer term it is hard to continue to update the website. One of the really cool features of publishing on the web is that it is dynamic with content and site layouts changing. Large websites change all the time. The look and feel of the site is updated regularly. New content is added and content is regularly re-categorized as the needs of the users (and advertisers!) change. Something had to be done!

The Zend Framework was created to help ensure that the production of PHP based websites is easier and maintainable in the long term. It contains a rich set of reusable components containing everything from a set of Model-View-Controller application components to PDF generation. Over the course of this book, we will look at how to use all the components within the context of a real website.

Guide to Programming with ZEND FRAMEWORK pdf


Writer: Cal Evans

Published Year: 2008

Publisher: Marco Tabini & Associates, Inc.

ISBN: 978-0-9738621-5-7

Page: 222 Pages

Size: 5.5 MB

Zend Framework was designed and built to improve developer productivity. Unlike other frameworks that require large configuration files to work, most aspects of a Zend Framework application can be defined at runtime using simple PHP commands. This saves developers time because instead of complex configuration files controlling every aspect of the application, you only configure the parts that deviate from the norm.

Zend Framework was written entirely in PHP 5. It will not run on any server that does not have a minimumof PHP 5.1.4 installed. The current version has been thoroughly tested and over 80% of the code is covered by test cases using PHPUnit. Zend Framework was built on several key concepts:

• Best Practices
• Community Driven
• Extensionability
• Extreme Simplicity
• Liberal BSD License

Unlike many other frameworks available for PHP, Zend Framework chose not to implement the ActiveRecord pattern and not to ship with an Object-Relation Mapper
(ORM). Contrary to popular opinion, this was not an oversight but a conscious decision by the framework team.