Sunday 2 January 2011

The Ultimate CSS Reference ebook download



Published Year: 2008

Publisher: SitePoint Pty Ltd

ISBN: 978–0–9802858–5–7

Page: 436 Pages

Size: 5.2 MB(rar)

Using cascading style sheets(CSS) is the recommended way to control the presentation of web pages. It allows the presentation layer to remain separate from the content and behavior layers, which makes site maintenance much easier and reduces bandwidth usage. One or more external style sheets can be attached to an HTML page via link elements or @import rules. A page can also include internal style sheets within style elements.
XML pages can be linked to external style sheets via processing instructions. Finally, styling can be specified for an HTML element via its style attribute, but this approach isn’t recommended. An external or internal style sheet can be applied for one or more output media. A style sheet or group of style sheets can be persistent, preferred, or alternative, andchosen as such by the user through a browser that supports alternative style sheets.This book helps you to get a clear idea about CSS.

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